Does the situation pose a potential threat to U.S. interests? Why or why not? Yes it absolutely poses a threat to U.S. Interests, mainly the financial markets since that is the target. When a terrorist attack happens, it has always changed prices in the every stock market index in the world and not for the better. After 9/11, when the stock market opened again after being closed for 4 days, it sparked a crash of 12% in the first week that stocks resumed trading, and dropping almost 900 point on the Dow Jones industrial average (Shell, 2014). Depending on the target it can also affect economic sectors such as airlines, oil and gas companies and the banking industry. An attack also hurts the economy by instilling fear and the fear of the unknown …show more content…
The Federal Bauru of Investigations are the counter terrorism experts within the federal government who would be the lead agency, due to having the most amount of resources and experts on hand. The FBI can start to build more on the information already obtained and start obtaining anything and everything about their lives, such as social media, hobbies, surveillance activities, friends, family, neighbors and associates. The National Security Agency, NSA, would also be of great help in obtaining more personal information about the Al …show more content…
Yes there are a lot of unknowns and uncertainties. By having only some of the information or a part of the picture leaves a lot more information needing to be obtained. Some questions that still need to be answered; Where they going to get the material for making the explosive or trying to obtain the radiological compounds needed for their bomb. Is Al Shabaab going to steal or buy the radiological material? How do they steal or pay for this radiological material? Where do they steal or buy the material? What kind of device will be used? Where and who builds the bomb? How do they transport the bomb to the target? What will the target be, the stock exchange in New York City or an oil terminal in the Los Angeles port complex. Who is going to help the Al Shabaab throughout this process and how do they recruit others to join their mission.
All these questions need to be answered in order to help stop and thwart this act of terrorism. The FBI will still be the lead with the other agencies in the support role of assisting if Al Shabaab is still able to move along with their
If not for a tip from the Muslim community to the FBI, this group had the means to wage war on US soil. Because the group was willing to identify with the ideology put forth by middle eastern extremism they were able to gain the focus and direction need to realize their end result. In a statement by Dina Temple-Raston,counter terrorism correspondent for NPR "U.S. Counter terrorism officials have become adept at spotting terrorism suspects who travel overseas to get training or arrange large money transfers to support terrorist groups,". NPR’s Greg
The First World War was a global war centred in Europe that lasted 4 years. More than 9 million soldiers and 7 million civilians died as a result of the war, a casualty rate aggravated by the technological and industrial sophistication of the nations at war. It was one of the deadliest conflicts in history. Trenches and life within them have become a lasting topic since World War One. Throughout the war, millions of soldiers experienced and endured the horrors of trench warfare.
The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is the United States of America domestic security and intelligence which also serves as the federal government’s law enforcement agency. Working under the jurisdiction of the U.S. Department of Justice, the FBI simultaneously considered as part of the US intelligence community, comprises of many other federal and state agencies and reports to both the Attorney General and the Director of National Intelligence. The agency performs a leading role in counterintelligence, counterterrorism, and criminal investigative roles making it have jurisdictions of over 200 categories of federal crime. Even though most of FBI’s roles are domestic and limited to crimes within the US borders, it is equivalent to intelligence
The Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act established the Director of National Intelligence, the National Counterterrorism Center, and the Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board. This act also states that the Homeland Security is to take charge of flights both foreign and domestic for all information on passengers and crew for individuals on the Federal Government watch lists. As the
The FBI works through other federal agencies as well as state and local law enforcement to target these groups. While the political climate of this country indicates militias are not going away any time soon, the US government does understand the threat posed by militias. Intelligence collection from multiple disciplines aids the US government in deterring domestic terrorism from militias and assists in operations that serve convictions to the guilty. While their attacks are sporadic and uncoordinated, they still pose a significant threat to the domestic security of the US. Given the political climate in this country over the last eight years, far right extremism has grown considerably and will likely continue. Law enforcement should be vigilant to the possibility of right win extremism in the form of militias in their communities. We cannot afford to have enemies within while dealing with enemies without like Al Qaida and
The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is a unique government agency that employs intensive research and immediate actions to solve issues that the general police cannot settle themselves (Quick Facts). The FBI’s today mission statement is “to protect and defend the United States against terrorist and foreign intelligence threats, to uphold and enforce the criminal laws of the United States, and to provide leadership and criminal justice services to federal, state, municipal, and international agencies and partners” (Quick Facts). Today, the organization focuses on certain threats that requires strategic intelligence to protect our nation, threats like terrorism, foreign intelligence operations and espionage, technology-based crimes, criminal
The FBI is a treat-based and intelligence driven national security organization. There mission is to protect and defend the United States against terrorists and foreign intelligence threats, to help enforce the criminal law of the United States. FBI Agents also have the opportunity to investigate specific crimes assigned to them and have the authority to prove their decision on a case by using assistances like, fingerprint identification, laboratory examinations, and training. The agents also have both intelligence and law enforcement responsibilities and requirements as their priorities. In order for the FBI Organization to be a strong group, they need talented and motivated people for their organization to be a success.
The events of September 11, which are partly associated with errors in the work of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), raised the issue of reforming the agency both in the countries of the old democracy and in the countries of the new democracy. Most of the discussions about reforming the work of the special services in the fight against terrorism are reduced to the exchange of information between the structures of power. However, it is only by understanding the nature of the tasks of the special services in combating terrorism that it is possible to develop the necessary "architecture" or organizational structure suitable for the solution of the task. The task of the special services at this stage
In conclusion, terrorism affects a lot of people's lives. The effects I stated are people think the U.S is weak, makes people feel unprotected, and leaves people in a bad mood. Hopefully, we can find a way to prevent these attacks and live a more happier
The federal investigation department with the central intelligence agency and the multiple local public health and service agencies
Illegal immigration definitely poses a threat to terrorism in the United states. Illegal immigrants are causing most of the terrorist attacks around the world. They also are bringing in illegal and bad thing into the united states. Illegal immigration poses a huge threat to terrorism in the United states because of the increase in terrorist attacks all around the world that are caused by illegal immigrants and the substances and objects that illegal immigrants are bringing into
Al-Shabaab as a terrorist group poses a significant threat in Somalia and in the global community. This paper will start by discussing the background. In this part the paper will show how the group has evolved from Al-Ittihad Al-Islam (AIAI) to the Islamic Court Union (ICU) and lastly to Al-Shabaab. Before discussing the group’s threat of national security, homeland and international, this paper will provide the conceptual meaning of key terminology, such as national security, homeland security, international security and globalization. It is important to understand these concepts before moving toward the main argument of the paper. After providing the framework for key concepts, the paper will discuss the group’s threat to Somalia in two areas, national security and homeland security. The paper will go further and identify the threats posed by the group on other nations’ homeland security and international security. We will use East African countries and the United States examples. The paper will provide evidence to support how globalization has shaped and fueled the threats from Al-Shabaab. It will then discuss the primary response from the United States and from African countries through AMISOM. The paper will provide the way forward and suggestions for the response of the international community to Al-Shabaab. In conclusion, we will try to alert the international community that although the group has been experience hard times in Somalia, it is unwise to
The attack on the World Trade Center was not the first attack and was not the first time the US Intelligence Community had heard of Al-Qaeda or Osama Bin Laden. The role of counterintelligence from both sides the US and Al-Qaeda, lent to the information flow not only form the attackers but also to the ones who would ultimately respond. The FBI, the CIA, the DIA, have integral parts in these series of events from the information collection to the information flow. In a time where it was realized that Counterintelligence and Counterterrorism have a similar need, as well as information sharing across agencies, have led to the CI and IC we see today.
Terrorism has become a serious issue since the 9/11 attacks. Local, state, and federal law enforcement has been working with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). Counterterrorism efforts are in full effect and have priority. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has the responsibility of trying to predict and prevent terrorism attacks. For the FBI to be able to do this they collect, analyze, and share information with the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
When the terrorist attacks occurred on 9/11 it did more than just affect the comfort level of American citizens. It had an all around impact on how this country will be run for years to come. The one economic impact that I will concentrate on is that the attacks, arguably, but directly effected the U.S. GDP (Gross Domestic Product) and how the national budget will be handled from that day forward.