There is a state called Alabama. If you live in the United States you know what I’m talking about. If you have been to the state there is still alot you can learn about. There is a lot of famous people from Alabama. These are some of the people from Alabama. One person is Hank Williams. He was born on September 17, 1923 and died on January 1, 1953. He became the first country singer with his hit ‘’ Your Cheating Heart’’. The next guy is Howard Hill. He was born on November 13, 1899 and died on February 4, 1975. He unofficially acknowledge as the world’s greatest archer, He performed bow stunts and serves as a technical adviser on archery in several movies. The final person is Neil Bonnet. He was born on July 30 1946 and died on February 11, 1994. He was one of nascars top drivers in the late 1970 and 80s. He won 18 races, finishing in nearly half the time in top ten. Alabama has many places to visit when you are there. One place to visit is the city of Birmingham. It has a population of 239,416. The whole population of Alabama is 4,849 million. The second largest city in Montgomery it has really great sites to see as well as Birmingham. There are several …show more content…
Another fun facts is in 1944 in Alabama the first oil well was put in. The final fun facts would be in 1936 in Berlin Germany Jesse Owens won Olympic gold medal. He is from Alabama. I don’t Know were from though it didn’t say. There are several sports in Alabama. One of the sports is college football. There are several sport teams one of them is the University in Alabama called the Crimson Tide. Another football team is the Auburn Tigers. The other sport that is huge in Alabama is NASCAR. They race at Talladega Speedway in the city of Lincoln, Alabama. They race there twice a year. Some of the biggest wrecks happen at Talladega. These are two of the biggest sports in
For many, the quaint town of Point Clear, Alabama represents the Old South rooted in tradition, charm, and grace. Halfway down the bay and nearly hidden among oaks adorned with Spanish moss, Point Clear was founded in the early 1800s. Today, the city continues to honor its role in the Civil War, perpetuates the memories of its residents, and evolves as a greater and better place.
He went to Birmingham because he said that “injustice is here. . . .Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly” (King). Martin Luther King, Jr advocated for change and equality, and when he saw the injustice conditions going on he knew something needed to be done as the the white power in the city was leaving the black community with no other
Dr. King vividly tells why he is in Birmingham. He explains that there is injustice there, and if left alone, it is a threat to justice everywhere. Paragraph four is so powerful to me, because King gets personal in telling why he is so determined. In paragraph four, he states, “Anyone who lives inside the United States can never be considered an outsider.” (King 1) The reason this statement is
Old Hickory, when you hear that name you'll most likely think of our seventh president Andrew Jackson. Born in Waxhaws located on the boarder of North and South Carolina. Jackson did not lead an easy life as he did grow up in poverty and didn't receive a uniform education.
Let me introduce you to my uncle Donny Jones. He was born on June 10th 1952 in Summerset Kentucky. He was the first born and
Everyday black people in the South had to wake up to harsh discrimination. They had to devote their whole day being victimized. In many cases, they couldn't stick up for themselves because they were afraid of what would happen to them if they contravene the policy. In Birmingham, Alabama they tested their limits, and fought the system. Hoping for a better future, they put their lives at risk.
Martin Luther King Jr. wanted a demonstration, or protest, of the situation of the blacks and whites to be held in the most segregated city in the United States, Birmingham, Alabama. The Birmingham March took place between April and May of 1963. The protests and rallies were both peaceful and nonviolent. However, the police got tired of the daily protests and arrested hundreds that they found to be responsible for taking part in them and used unnecessary force, such as high pressured
William “Count” Basie was born on August 21, 1904 and went from a little boy in Red Bank, New Jersey to becoming a renowned jazz musician who made many contributions to music and inspired millions. He was responsible for developing swing jazz and earned many Grammy Awards. He is most known for the song "One O'Clock Swing."
In Texas they have many great universities/colleges. Thier top 5 are University of Texas, Texas A&M University,Rice university,and University of North Texas. The Texas football team the Cowboys are well known for winning five Super Bowls. Their other teams are the Spurs for basket ball, for soccer the Dynamos, Hockey is the Stars and baseball is the Astros or
Life is better when you learn interesting and new places and if this place is in USA, this is super! I don’t know whether you know Illinois or you don’t. Anyway, you are going to hear interesting information about Illinois. Illinois’s original name came from ‘’ilini’’ word and it means ‘’warrior’’ or ‘’man’’. You know Springfield from The Simpsons, don’t you?
Woooooooooo, Pig! Soooie! October the 25th is the day every year I’m reminded how my family “sacrificed attending the Arkansas vs. Auburn game” to be at my birth in 1997. Raised in a family of whole hearted, Hog fans, the University of Arkansas has always felt like home. As a young child, making the scenic drive from southeast Arkansas to the Ozark Mountains fascinated me. The beauty of the nature had such an enchanting charm about it. I will always remember as a little girl walking through the campus telling my parents, “just wait and see, Madison Brooke Miller will be engraved on the sidewalks of senior walk.” Growing up, it was the traditions that first intrigued me about the U of A, though after visiting a variety of universities out
I. (Gain attention and interest) Many of us have encountered 3D technology at one point in our lives such as the red and blue comics usually found at the back of magazines, or a have watched a 3D movie at IMAX. It is with no doubt that, we all find this technology to be a fascinating one.
I want to share with you about a process that can be helpful in determining a major. The process includes determining possible college majors of interest, collecting data
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