Alaska- Yukon- Pacific Exposition (Seattle’s forgotten world fair) Rough Draft “Gold!! Gold!! Gold!!” I heard a newsboy crying out the Seattle Post- Intelligencer morning’s headline at the Puget Sound area on July 17, 1897.The Puget Sounds residents gathering at the small waterfront were been attracted by the tempting title. The message had sent shock waves across the entire North America. Within days, I saw thousand of fortune seekers were gave the risks of their lives and times steps on to the unknown adventures of finding “Gold”. The stampeders were eagerly to bought the supplies and then boarded ships bound for the wild unknown of Alaska and Canada. As a lumber worker, I did not have much interest on gold as those fortune seekers did. As far as I know, the cry of “Klondike gold rush” had become the first impression of then world’s imagination to thought of Seattle. From my understanding, the frenzy activity had ensured Seattle position …show more content…
This is the glory and fascinating period to let me memorized Seattle, and the birth of Alaska- Yukon- Pacific-Exposition. (Klondike Gold Rush museum) The thought of promoting Seattle and the Northwest had appeared in my mind. Since Pacific Northwest had abundant natural resources and Seattle had becoming the principal city, Why not hold a world’s fair in Seattle and promote it to the world? The decisions of holding a world’s fair had finally officially announced to public. The colorful flyers and the significant graffiti were posted around in Seattle. People were excitingly held the flyers and keenly waiting for the count down of Alaska- Yukon- Pacific exposition started. There were different designs of the flyers. The one
The 1893 Chicago World’s Fair, more formally known as the Columbian Exposition, was a fair constructed to celebrate Columbus’ arrival in the New World. Chicago was known as the White City, but did not appear as pure and spotless as its name suggested. For instance, there were many ways one could get killed. “Fire took a dozen lives a day...There was diphtheria, typhus, cholera, influenza. And there was murder.” (Larson 12). These unstoppable causes of death was one of the reasons Chicago’s reputation was tarnished. Furthermore, the Panic of 1893 struck and greatly affected the city of Chicago. The Panic’s effects included “financial crises”, “bankruptcy”, and “high rates of unemployment and homelessness”. (Panic of 1893). Because of the city’s economic depression, the fair would decide whether Chicago’s circumstances would improve or deteriorate. Eventually, the 1893 Chicago’s World Fair displayed what America would soon become in an industrial, military, and economic perspective.
Write an essay discussing the historical insights presented in Erik Larson’s Devil in the White City, being sure to answer the following questions: In what ways does the Chicago World’s Fair of 1893 represent the contrasts and conflicts of the Gilded Age? What is the Fair’s lasting imprint on American society & culture, & what new trends does it signal for the twentieth century?
In Eric Larson’s work The Devil in the White City, he explores the historical occurrences of Chicago around 1893. More specifically it revolves around the World’s Fair meant to commemorate Columbus’ expedition in which he discovered the Americas. Larson researched the recorded information from letters sent and other works and tried to fill in the gaps of what may have happened. The two main plot points the book follows are that of Daniel Burnham, an architect working to make the fair happen, and H. H. Holmes, a serial killer who is using the fair to his advantage. The book also explores the Black City of Chicago and what holding the world’s fair would bring to Chicago given the context of the economic state of nineteenth century America. The following is an attempt to break down some of these key issues found in the pages of Larson’s work.
This novel describes the years surrounding the building of the 1893 Chicago World 's Fair, also known as The World 's Columbian Exposition, which was designed to commemorate the landing of Columbus in America.
Throughout American history there has been many instances of European settlers invading the land of the native peoples. This holds true for the state of Colorado. It appears as if the Gold Rush acts as a catalyst for this hostile relationship. Although there are many positives Colorado experienced from the gold rush, the native people experienced the downside of this historical event.
The thought of Chicago hosting the world’s fair would be daunting at first, but it could turn around the reputation of Chicago from one of a city of gloom and darkness, to one of a city of light and progress from the Great Chicago fire of 1871, and that city would be fascinating for years to come. Chicago would get an economic shot in the arm from the revenue that it would get from hosting the 1893 World Fair and it would make Chicago into a great city of America. The event and also the transformation that would happen to the city of Chicago would not have happened if it would not be for one great man who had taken up the challenge to make sure to host this 1893 World fair.
Given the nickname the "White City" because of its elegant and pristine buildings, the Chicago World’s Fair of 1893 was one of the most powerful events in American history. There were long lasting impacts on American culture, economy, and technology- the fair brought new advancements in virtually every aspect of daily life. It was held “to commemorate Columbus’s discovery of the New World” (Larson 15). The fair was a symbol of the expertise America possessed, but simultaneously highlighted the hardships that surrounded it. The fair increased wages, marketed more products for public use, and produced architectural feats that challenged the ones that stood at the 1889 Exposition Universelle. There was much more to the fair behind the showstopping displays that it created. Behind the exotic Algerian belly dancers and astonishing replicas of famous cities, the corporate world was establishing its dominance. Labor unions struggled to fight for fair wages and working time. Although disturbances and disagreements in the construction of the fair foreshadowed a negative ending, breakthroughs such as white lead paint and the Ferris Wheel attracted many visitors. The Chicago World's Fair of 1893 is a vivid exhibit of the independent cultural, economical, and technological superpower that America would grow to become in the future.
It was either jackpot or broke. The gold seekers were soon to find out. The California gold rush was the third recorded gold rush in the United States. The journey was not easy for anyone. People going to California faced many challenges, some were how tough the journey to California was, how high the crime rate was, and how some made lots of money during the gold rush and others did not.
A World’s Fair is an “[I]nternational exposition that features exhibits dealing with commerce, industry, and science.” (World Book Encyclopedia 412) Entertainment is also present along with cultural activities. In 1893, the World’s Columbian Exposition in Chicago, although inaugurated a year late, commemorated the discovery of America. I feel that the Exposition displayed some of the more beautiful architecture of its time; its immense buildings and sculptures drew heavily from Greek and other classical styles, and it could possible be because of the sweeping popularity in Beaux Arts architecture.
The Gold Rush in British Columbia (B.C) marked the beginning of Canada’s multicultural society. It saw the mass immigration of foreign workers (particularly those from China and other Asian nations), dispersion of Native Americans, and intrusion of poor and middle class europeans seeking riches in the rumoured “El Dorado”. The exhibit attempted to argue these points through its much anticipated “Scholarly Insight” panel, titled Why study a gold rush? The panel identifies three key themes regarding the outcome of the B.C. Gold Rush: that it connected Canada to the rest of the world through the Pacific-Rim, it sparked mass immigration which caused conflicts amongst different ethnic groups, and the Gold Rush was the event that truly united Canada coast to coast. These points were also explored in Christopher Douglas Herbert’s article, A New Take on An Old Town. Exploring the impact through the Cariboo Gold Rush, many parallels can be drawn between the two events, particularly among the economic importance of the the territory to the nation of Canada.
One of the most beneficial events in American history is the California Gold Rush. The Gold Rush started in 1848 when it was discovered that California Rivers harbored gold inside them. This attracted many Americans across the United States, thus causing a massive migration to California. People from across the nation put their lives on hold in hopes of striking gold in California. For many, the journey took months and the risk of death was steadily present. Dangers were everywhere- from Native American attacks to getting lost on the trail. It was a risk, however, that many deemed worthy. The Gold Rush is a positive turning point in our nation’s growth for many reasons. It helped our nation achieve Manifest Destiny, it allowed the population to grow in California, and it also put California on the map. Although the California Gold Rush has many positives aspects, it holds negative traits as well.
In early 1848, cries of gold findings flooded the West. White settlers flooded the area like a hurricane in search of riches never seen before to the common man. It was the single greatest migration of people in a shortest amount of time. The gold rush was a very dark period in American history and it shouldn’t be celebrated; the Native American’s were slaughtered in American thirst for gold Explosions of violence from both natives and settlers were common in this environment of prejudice and greed. Between 1850 and 1890 eighty percent of the total number of Native Americans in California died due to murder and massacre, disease, starvation, and forced migration from their native lands. The destruction of the culture and lives of the people native to California and the Black Hills of South Dakota. Greed changed the morals and values of the miners and Americans alike in the Gold Rush. The gold rush brought riches and highlighted racism of white Americans, while systematically destroying Native Americans in that region.
The Chicago World’s Fair occurred in 1893 to commemorate American history, specifically the landing of Christopher Columbus. This event had such a mass popularity that a book was written to commemorate the fair itself; it was titled, The Devil In The White City by Erik Larson. The portrayal of history in this novel is quite accurate when expressing the time period of the late nineteenth century in an elevated format, which allows the reader to draw comparisons of how the time mirrors the present, as well as differences in the ways it contrasts modern living, and most importantly allows a grasp of a total picture of the time period itself.
The attachment “Murder, magic, and madness at the fair that changed america” to the title hardly does the novel justice. Erik Larson’s The Devil in the White City, a nonfiction novel that surrounds the 1893 Chicago World’s Fair, also known as The World’s Columbian Exposition. The novel follows the lives of two real men, Daniel Burnham, the architect who builds the 1893 Chicago World's Fair and H.H. Holmes, the serial killer who exploits the fair to find his victims. Many new inventions were introduced at the fair, such as Juicy Fruit gum, the Ferris Wheel, and many other novel ideas that impacted the lives of many people for generations. The beautiful fair Burnham creates provides the perfect distraction and lure for Holmes’ activities. In his novel The Devil in the White City, Erik Larson suggests that good and evil coexist in the world by using charged language, imagery and juxtaposition to show although people view the fair as a perfect dreamland immune to evil, it still lurks outside in the dark, influencing the rest of the world.
Fairs lure people in through the gates with bright lights, loud buzzers, and exhilarating games. These same tactics help to attract tourists to New York City. Like a kid at a fair, Didion becomes enticed by such distractions and cannot