
Alaska State Fair Persuasive Essay

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Every year about three-hundred thousand people show up to the Alaska State Fair, more than seven hundred miles away from Barrow, Alaska, and about five hundred and twenty-six miles away from the North Slope. The Fair has been active for 49 years and counting, but only has one location, Palmer, Alaska. There is more than seven-hundred thousand people that live in Alaska, so less than half of the residents are able to attend and enjoy the state fair every year. To help benefit the rural communities in Alaska for the Alaska State Fair experience, the fair should be moved every other year because people would be able to have the same opportunities that urban areas have, the attraction of the state fair would grow, performers could experience different …show more content…

We need to be able to give the same opportunities to the people that live in rural areas as those who live the in city, by attracting people all over the state and not just people who lives near the Metropolitan area.
To attract people from all over Alaska, make sure a date is set where anyone can make it without missing out on education by not going to school due to the state fair (summer time). Many other people, including me, that live on the North Slope and in a rural areas have not been to the state fair once in our life because we would be missing out on our education. But there is a lot more people that cannot afford to go to the Alaska State Fair that lives in rural areas due to costs, travel, transportation, and family issues. You can also have performers travel to remote rural areas to promote, educate and share their experience that they had at the Alaska State Fair. Up here on the North Slope, we do not have any professional performers to tell us about the state fair and how fun and exciting it can be. Also invite cultural entertainers from a variety of locations across the state because it will bring in more groups of people to the state fair and will keep coming for many years, and ensure that it will be affordable to those who are coming hundred of miles

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