
Alaska's Oil Exploration

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About Alaska
Alaska became a State in 1959 (Sold to U.S. in 1866 for $7,200,000) and is the 49th State, plus it is 586,400 square miles (largest state by area). Alaska, in area is equal to about one-fifth the continental United States, and it can be divided into four major provinces: the Pacific Mountain system is the Pacific Border Ranges, The Coastal Trough province, the Alaska Mountains–Aleutian region; Interior Province, Brooks Range, and Arctic Coastal Plain. Alaska contains almost 34’000 miles, including myriad islands, of tidal wave shoreline. The chain the Aleutian Islands extends from the southern west tip of the Alaskan island. Aleutians has many active volcanos and also some in coastal regions. For example, Unimak Island, where …show more content…

It was considered one of the seven wonders of the united stated by ASCE it also brought it many jobs as construction of the pipeline caused a massive economic boom in towns on the pipeline route. However, oil production in Prudhoe Bay has declined, and the pipeline is working only a third of its capacity. Hence, the debate over whether or not to increase oil exploration in section 1002, which includes 1.5 million acres in the northern part of ANWR. There are several issues related of drilling for oil in ANWR that make this controversy different. The people of Alaska favor opening up Section 1002 for oil drilling, as it would provide jobs and all of the economic development associated with oil-related infrastructure; The Congressional delegation from Alaska strongly supports drilling in Section 1002, citing the importance of oil independence and American jobs to our economy; Most of the support for keeping Section 1002 in its current state of minimal development is from the other 48 states, such as NGOs like Defenders of Wildlife, The Wilderness Society, and the National Wildlife Federation who point to the intent of maintaining ANWR as a natural area (off limits to drilling), its ecological value, and its existence value to all Americans. The impact of drilling will have on the relatively pristine …show more content…

It is wrong when it tends otherwise.” I partially disagree with Leopold’s principle because as an engineer I know things don’t always function properly just because it looks beautiful but nonetheless, I have to add to the principle that the “thing” should also leave a place for our future generations. While drilling for oil may seem attractive to the natives or townsfolk of the area as it brings more jobs and creates an economic boom, the problem will be faced in the future. In the short run it might and will bring prosperity to Alaska but the estimate of oil in section 1002 is only between 3 and 10.4 billion barrels of oil in the coastal plain that is economically recoverable at $30 per barrel. If we look at the yearly consumption of oil in America this might last at most two years and then it might become a decline in oil again leaving only abandoned well in a well preserved reserve. We should stop any type of drilling in ANWR as it might ruin the land for our future grandsons who will take over after

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