
Albert Fish Research Paper

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Albert Fish, the iconic serial killer known as ‘The Boogeyman’, ‘Grey Man’, ‘The Werewolf of Wysteria’, ‘The Brooklyn Vampire’ and ‘The Moon Maniac’. He is considered to be the first Hannibal Lecter and was rumored to be the soul inspiration for the popular novel character. Fish’s original name was Hamilton, but after his brother's passing he adopted the name Albert. At a young age he was put in an orphanage, due to his parents lack of financials resources. While in the orphanage he witness the beating of other children and experience the beatings himself. Later on Fish started to enjoy the pain he got from the beatings and even got aroused by it. In 1889 Albert had an arranged marriage and from that marriage he fathered six children. Shortly after that in 1910, Fish developed an sadomasochistic relationship with Thomas Kedden. Albert’s urges to inflict pain on others got the best of him, he took Thomas to an abandoned and tortured the 19 year …show more content…

He was considered to have had many mental disorders, but was only diagnosed with a few. Such as an “abnormal sociopathic personality”(9CRIME6), which means he had a lake of a subconscious and showed no empathy or remorse when killing his victims. Not being able to feel guilt can definitely allow an individual to commit a crime and Fish did. The disorder also explains his sadism. This mental illness allowed him to become a serial killer and there was nothing that could have prevented it, due to this being hereditary. Albert was also known as “The Lying Cannibal” (Castleden, C) as a result of him being a pathological liar. Definition being that he can not fully grasp reality and is lying in an attempt to restore self-esteem. He had a hard time considering that what he was doing was bad and socially incorrect. This gave him more moral support when conducting his murders. This shows how nature was a part of Albert Fish becoming a serial

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