
Alcohol In Adolescents

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The use of alcohol in adolescences is one of the major health problems in the United States. Adolescent are constantly changing and constantly adapting to the environment, especially when they are in college. This does not only apply to college students only, but even younger adolescents. These adolescent children tend to drink to cope with their emotions or for other reasons. According to Santrock, J. W. (2016), adolescents transition from school (may it be from middle school to high school, or even from high school to college), there tends to be a critical transition in alcohol abuse since they recognize drinking as a common among people their age and is usually largely accepted or even expected by their peers. This goes in play with students …show more content…

H., Nasir, D., & Compton, S. (2013), addressees how the emergency medicine residents are exposed to work-related stressors, which affects the residents both physically and emotionally. By these stresses, the emergency medicine residents use unhealthy coping mechanism to cope with their stress. The aim of the study was to evaluate the emergency medicine residents’ perceptions of stressors related to their overall well-being and prevalence of various coping mechanisms. An online survey was conducted to evaluate the residents stress, satisfaction with current lifestyle, stress coping mechanisms and demographics. There was a stratified random sample of emergency medicine residents from three postgraduate years was acquired. The results showed that 71% of the resident used the alcohol use as a coping mechanism to cope with their stress. The study will focus more on adolescents than adulthood coping mechanism. Also there will be an in person questionnaire instead of a survey …show more content…

R., Merrill, J. E., & Barnett, N. P. (2017), shows how depressive symptoms and drinking to cope with negative affect increase the likelihood for drinking-related negative consequences. The study examined how positive and negative drinking-related consequences changed as a function of depressive symptoms and drinking motives. There were 652 college students who participated in the study that drank biweekly during the first two years of college. A hierarchical linear model was conducted to examine means of and linear change in positive and negative consequences related to depression and coping motives. The hypotheses were consistent with the results that showed positive and negative consequences decreased over the course of freshman and sophomore years. There was a higher level of depression associated with a faster decline in negative consequences during freshman year. Coping motives predicted average levels of negative and positive consequences across all years, but also with the effects of coping motives on consequences that was shown to be low levels of depression during sophomore

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