
Alcoholic Anonymous Meeting

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1. Write a descriptive paragraph of the physical environment, describe the room, number of people attending, ages, gender, ethnicity, etc.

The Alcoholic Anonymous meeting I attended was organized by East Valley Intergroup of Alcoholics Anonymous, at Montessa Meeting Hall in Gold Canyon, Arizona. This meeting occurred at 1000 on a Wednesday morning. The room, where the meeting occurred, consisted of a business meeting atmosphere, with wooden walls, lack of windows, 12 metal chairs in a circular construction, with an informal dress code. Twelve individuals attended the group – 8 members, 2 family members, the leader of the group, and myself. Of the twelve individuals, seven were males and five were females. The individuals in the group appeared …show more content…

I introduced myself to the leader, asked him about his role as the leader of the meeting, helped place the chairs in the room, and selected a chair to sit in. I did not want to cause a distraction or mess up the flow of the AA meeting. As the meeting began, I introduced myself to the members of the group and stated my purpose for being at the AA meeting. When questioned about my role, I stated that I am a nursing student who wanted to experience an AA meeting, to learn more about addiction and how it impacts individuals lives, and what role I can do, as a nurse, to provide care for a current and/or recovering alcoholic. This response sparked an interest in many of the members, as they began to ask about my schooling. I answered questions, such as where I want to school, what I liked about the program, and how I viewed those with addiction. I kept it short and sweet, as I did not want to take too much time out of the meeting to discuss myself. As the topic of discussion moved from my schooling to the meeting, I quietly observed and actively listened to the various stories and advice. After the meeting finished, I thanked both the leader and the members for sharing their personal stories with me and allowing me the opportunity to witness an AA

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