
Alcoholic Family Research Paper

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While the alcoholic must detox and work through their problems, family counseling is a necessity during treatment. Over time, alcoholism has a strong impact on the family and friends of the alcoholics. From the genetic component of addiction to relationship quality, family members are intensely involved in the addiction.

Alcoholism Is Often a Family Problem

While scientists are not sure which genes are responsible for addiction, research shows that there is a strong genetic component. Someone with an alcoholic parent is far more likely to become an alcoholic than the average person. This does not mean that the addiction is inevitable, but it does mean that individuals should be careful about substance abuse issues if a family member is …show more content…

The child is more likely to become an addict if their parent has substance abuse problems. They may witness cases of domestic violence or be abused. Children and spouses may feel isolated, and economic hardship may become a problem. Alcoholics are also more likely to deal with infidelity, jealousy and divorce in their personal relationships.

Coping With Alcoholism in a Family

When someone is an alcoholic at home, the family members tend to go through emotional stages over time. The first stage is normally the concern stage. At this time, the family members are genuinely concerned and want to help. Often, family members do not realize how severe the problem is at this stage.

Afterward, families tend to enter the defense and adaption stages. In the defense stage, the family members may ignore the addiction and may defend their actions. Some family members may even feel like they are partly to blame for the addiction. As family members transition to the adaption stage, they begin to change their habits to adjust for the addiction. Some family members may resort to substance abuse to cope, or they may try to become the perfect family …show more content…

At this point, friends and relatives are completely exhausted. They may become depressed as they lose sight of their own self-worth. In addition, family members may continue to enable addictive behaviors.

When the addict is ready to treat their alcoholism, family therapy and counseling is an important component of treatment. The whole family must learn how to break the cycle of denial, exhaustion and adaption. Professional drug and alcohol rehab is the key to overcoming an addiction. To find out more and begin your journey to sobriety, call 1st Step Behavioral Health at

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