Samantha Jensen FCA’s:
Mrs. Rousse Solid Thesis & Topic Sentences
English 12 MLA Format
3 March 2014 Quoted/Paraphrased/Summarized
The Effects of Alcohol
I am someone who knows from experience the risk factors of alcohol. My whole life growing up, my father was an alcoholic and the facts are right, it destroys you, and your family. You can pretty much say that alcoholism can and most likely will destroy everything if you do not receive proper treatment. Alcohol is a very serious matter in today’s society and leads to many social, economic, and health problems; alcoholism can be put to an end if it was illegal and less prominent in everyday life.
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People that are surrounding an alcoholic often become frustrated with the alcoholic and become depressed. If alcoholism could be stopped, it could benefit more than just alcoholics.
Most alcoholics become dependent to the alcohol and literally cannot function without it. “The problems linked to alcohol dependence are extensive and affect people physically, socially, and mentally” (American Academy of Pediatrics 1). One crazy thing people do not know is “fish oil may protect alcoholism abusers and alcoholics from dementia” (Smith, Lawrence, and Jeanne 1). Complications of alcohol consumption include: fatigue, memory loss, liver disease, and hypertension, black outs, blurred vision, skin problems, lack of co-ordination, alcohol poisoning, cancer, and diabetes. Out of all of the complications, liver disease is the biggest problem linked to alcohol. “Long term heavy drinking eventually takes its toll resulting in liver scarring-cirrhosis, or end stage liver disease which may lead to death” (Alcoholism Sourcebook 1). “If red blood cells increase it could be an indication of long-term alcohol abuse” (American Academy of Pediatrics 1). “Some stress is linked to alcohol and alcohol abuse as well” (Narcotic Education of America 1). When being addicted to alcohol, another problem partnered with alcohol abuse and addiction is withdrawal. “Withdrawal symptoms such as, nausea, sweating, shaking, and anxiety occur when
In today’s society, alcohol has become one of the main necessities for people to create relaxation, confidence, and the ability to be social. In the short story “A Bartender Tells What Man Did to Booze, and Booze to Man”, an anonymous bartender gives an up close and personal account of his observations about the effects alcohol has on men. He emphasizes the change in their character after a few drinks. Koren Zailckas from Smashed shares a memoir of her life describing her relationship with alcohol abuse and the problems that it caused for her. Although certain types of alcohol are used to support good health, it is the excessive consumption and misuse that leaves people dependent resulting in significant social, physical, and mental
Many people, including alcoholics, are not fully aware of the devastation caused by alcohol abuse. Not only does alcohol have an impact on physical health, it causes a host of problems from a mental and emotional standpoint. This addiction is not only harmful to the body, it tears families apart, leads to job loss, and often causes isolation for the person who drinks.
Do you understand the true meaning of the term alcoholism? Or do you just assume you comprehend this quite difficult situation. Millions of people every year suffer from this tragic disease and its only getting worse as society goes on. The true meaning of alcoholism can be described as a “chronic disease characterized by uncontrolled drinking and preoccupation with alcohol”. Specifically, a notorious writer known as Stephen F King was significantly affected by alcohol abuse. As outstanding and successful of writer King may seem writing over 63 books over 35 years; in which selling over 350 million copies over the years, he still struggles with his addiction. A spark of his addiction started all began when he was only a little boy, living
Alcoholism has claimed the lives of many people. Not always in the same way, but all the same a life lost. The way that some people lose their lives is listed as following: they lose their family, friends, homes, jobs, and etc. now others, physically become sick- their bodies shut down. Now these people, the alcoholics aren’t the only victims, the real victims are people who get hurt or die driving on the same road as an alcoholic. Now I say real victims because these are
People drink in many ways, for many different reasons. We drink socially, to gain acceptance into a group. We drink alone to ease stress, to cope with our problems, or we “drink because we like the taste or how it makes us feel”#. Often drinking is a learned behavior, starting out as a social drinker; you quickly become psychologically and physically dependent. When someone reaches this stage they are often classified as an alcoholic. To an alcoholic, drinking becomes a compulsion; they cannot stop themselves from having another drink, like a social drinker can. In many cases alcoholics don’t even have to drink continuously in order to be an alcoholic. One the problems of alcohol addiction is that it’s something that doesn’t just effect the individual but it effects, friends and family as well. Spouse abuse, child abuse and dysfunctional family relationships can all be influenced by alcohol abuse.
Alcoholism is a demon, a disease, something reached for out of desperation. It helps with a person 's problem by deadening their senses, and increasing his problems at the same time by destroying his character. When you drink, you don 't have to think about all your problems, you can just let the alcohol wash them away from your mind. But it can never take away all your problemsthey still remain, just your sense to care for them is gone. Alcoholism has a great chance to pass on to later generations, but sometimes growing up in an alcoholic family will make the children swear off the drink because they have seen what it can turn people into. It turns them into the basic raw human emotion of grief. They are miserable for alcohol is the only thing that can make them feel normal after awhile, their entire bodies ache for it. Even when they have given up drinking, their bodies can revert back after having just one drop again. Yes, alcoholism is truly a terrifying disease of the mind and bodynot just to the addict, but also to the loved ones
Alcohol is one of many dangerous substances that effects our bodies. The effects of this drug can be very harmful. Alcohol is a potent non-prescription drug sold to anyone over the national legal drinking age, 21. Unlike other deadly drugs it is easy to access. This makes it easy to over-consume and create a tragic accident, even death. It can damage a person not only physically but also mentally and emotionally. Many people each year become more and more addicted to alcohol and soon experience all of it?s dangerous effects. Even if alcohol use is discontinued, some of these damages can not be cured, because the scars have been left on those that drink and those that surround them. The only hope
Many families have to deal with their alcoholic relatives regularly, due to the fact that they lose their ability to stop themselves from drinking. They lack coordination, strength, and control. This causes them to require a lot of attention to keep them out of trouble and accidents. They become an annoyance, calling on their drunken rants or begging for
The term “alcoholism” describes a drinker who is mentally and physically dependent on alcohol, and who would most likely have withdrawal symptoms upon trying to quit. This dependence prevents most alcoholics from being able to control when they drink and how much they drink. For that reason, alcoholics usually drink to excess despite the consequences. Alcoholism, like any addiction, is a chronic disorder which involves continued use despite negative consequences and requires ongoing treatment and management. This research paper will cover many aspects of alcoholism including the causes and effects of drinking and different treatment approaches.
Drinking alcohol leads to drinking more alcohol which causes people to drink too much. Most People who usually drink alcohol wants to escape from reality or change on how their feeling at that point. Alcohol can also show hidden feelings or open traumatic memories from the past. When alcohol abusers drink more it affects their brain, which leads to being nervous or feeling low. Alcohol also causes you not to sleep properly, which leaves them feeling lazy and irritated. The causes of difficulty in their social life leads alcoholics with anxiety, agitation, and depression. Some people avoid their consequences of their drinking with drinking more alcohol. People tend to use alcohol as a form of self-medication rather then taking any other medications or drinking alcohol with their medications. Being emotionally invested in abusing alcohol it leads to severe major effects on your
Long-term alcohol abuse produces physiological changes in the brain such as tolerance and physical dependence. Such brain chemistry changes maintain the alcoholic's compulsive inability to stop drinking and result in alcohol withdrawal syndrome upon discontinuation of alcohol consumption. Alcohol damages almost every organ in the body, including the brain; because of the cumulative toxic effects of chronic alcohol abuse, the alcoholic risks suffering a range of medical and psychiatric disorders. Alcoholism has profound social consequences for alcoholics and the people of their lives. Becoming addicted to alcohol is a gradual process that happens as alcohol changes the level of chemicals in your brain, especially gamma-amino butyric acid or GABA (which stops you from being impulsive) and dopamine (which is linked with pleasurable feelings). As the levels of these chemicals change, you crave alcohol to make yourself feel good again.
In the United States, 17.6 million people – about one in every 12 adults, abuse alcohol or are alcohol dependent. (NIH: National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, 2012) The Mayo Clinic defines alcoholism as a chronic disease in which your body becomes dependent on alcohol (Mayo Clinic Staff, 2010), and indicates that more than 100,000 Americans die annually from alcohol related causes (Johnson) . Aside from the physical problems that alcohol addiction can create, there are frequently emotional and social complications. Alcoholism is a disease that harms not only the alcoholic, but also the co-workers and family of the alcoholic.
Alcohol is a substance that has numerous diverse affects on the body-both positive and negative. Alcohol not only kills brain cells, but when taken in profusion it has almost no constructive affects. Sure it can make one overlook his/her problems, but the consequences of drinking in excess far outweigh the benefits. It is not a crime to get drunk, however alcohol will almost always cause one to conduct them self in a way he or she would not normally behave. For instance, a sober man will not usually drive ninety-five mph down I-95, however, after consuming a good amount of alcohol, his eyesight, judgement, reflexes and abilities are hindered to the point that he feels
Alcohol dependence (alcoholism), occurs when the body cannot function without the effect of alcohol. Alcohol affects specific neurotransmitters in the brain and when the brain becomes accustomed to the alcohols affects it can no longer function properly signals without the help of the alcohol. Once someone has developed a dependency on alcohol, they will continue to drink regardless of any serious physical complications that are caused by alcohol.
My dad is a heavy drinker. Every single day after work he comes home with a six pack and two twenty four once cans. On the weekends it is more than that. It has been like this for a couple of years. If he doesn’t get his beer he begins to act out. He becomes un-easy, aggravated, inpatient, grouchy, loud, and intolerable. His health is in bad conditions, but he is not letting that stop him from drinking. Alcohol is addictive. A beer here and there can become a couple every other day. Alcohol is detrimental to the human body, because too much alcohol damages the inter organs and behavior. According to alcoholism is a “chronic disorder characterized by dependence on alcohol, repeated excessive use of alcoholic beverages, the development of withdrawal symptoms on reducing or ceasing intake, morbidity that may include cirrhosis of the liver, and decreased ability to function socially and vocationally.”