There are a lot of music composers who heighten emotions and feelings in their songs. Among all of them one of my favorite singer named Alecia Beth Moore who born September 8, 1979, mostly known by her stage name Pink (stylized as P!nk), is an American singer, songwriter, and actress. I found most of her songs are full of emotions and inspiration. Probably her childhood and early life influenced deeply her songs. Pink was second children of her parents. She did not have nice childhood because of parent’s divorce. This affected her mentally. "I was never allowed to go over to any of my friends' houses when I was little, because I was the bad influence," she tells the Sunday Telegraph in 2007. She used to live with his father who was a Vietnam
On October 4, 1904, Mary Jane McLeod Bethune launched the Daytona Normal and Industrial Institute for Negro Girls with five students in a four-room cottage that she rented for eleven dollars per month. It was the first grade school for black children in the community. Bethune’s school was near the train tracks and the parents paid fifty cents per week for tuition. She showed her students crafts and homemaking, so that they could “earn a good living when they were grown” (Pinkney 45). Mary utilized pieces of burnt wood for chalk. She created pen ink from elderberry juice. Packing crates were used for desks. The students who lived at the school slept on corn sacks that Bethune filled with Spanish moss. To assist Bethune, some of the townspeople
Have you ever heard about the Kathryn Adam murder? Well if you haven't it’s okay because I will tell you about it right now. Kathryn adam was a young woman working for a company named L’eggs and she delivered boxes of stuff to different places. Some people say that she committed suicide and others say that she was murdered and taken somewhere that nobody knows. Her doughter was the one that reported her missing because she didn’t come home for two days. In the case of Kathryn Adam, know one really knows what happened to Kathryn on the night of April 23rd 1993, I know that when she went missing her L’eggs van was parked outside an abandoned restaurant.
Born Mary Jane Mcleod on July 10, 1875, in Mayesville, South Carolina, Mary Mcleod Bethune was a leading educator and civil rights activist. She grew up in poverty, as one of 17 children born to former slaves. Traveling miles each way, she walked to school each day and did her best to share her newfound knowledge with her family. Bethune later received a scholarship to the Scotia Seminary, a school for girls in Concord, North Carolina. After graduating from the seminary in 1893, she went to the Dwight Moody's Institute for Home and Foreign Missions in Chicago. Bethune complete her studies there two years later. Returning to the South, she began her career as a teacher. She married fellow teacher Albertus Bethune in 1898. The couple had one
Dr. Angela Anderson is a companion animal veterinarian and the owner of Heather Ridge Pet Hospital in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. She has always loved animals and had a passion for science which influenced her to become a veterinarian. She researched veterinary science at the University of South Dakota and practiced veterinary medicine at the Iowa State University College of Veterinary Medicine and graduated in 1999. Merisa, Dr. Anderson’s veterinary technician, has also always been compelled to her job since she was a little girl. Merisa graduated from Globe University and started her career at the Heather Ridge Pet Hospital after her internship with them ended in 2012.
Rowena Jackson-Dixon age 73 made her transition at her home in Chicago, Illinois after a brief struggle with cancer on March 14, 2018. Rowena Jackson-Dixon was born on December 4, 1944 in Chicago, Illinois. Out of ten children born to her parents, she was the fifth.
Kassandra Dixon has been performing musical pieces, such as Little Shop of Horrors and Chicago, since her high school years. She is currently a student at The Actors Workshop of South Florida and is a proud Actors, Models & Talent for Christ (AMTC) alumni. As a Christian artist, her new CD with original music is coming out
About 100 miles out of Albuquerque, the Navajo are lacking something that we take for granted everyday - easy access to water. Many Navajo families have no running water in their homes and they have to drive many miles to get water from a well. In addition, many of the wells that once had water that was safe to drink have been contaminated as a result of mining causing the Navajo to be further away from their source of water.
Risking their lives to document the war. Joe Rosenthal, Abbie Rowe, Marie Hansen, Hugo Jaeger and Lee Miller, captured amazing times in history during, World War II. Joe Rosenthal, known for the famous photograph of Raising the Flag on Iwo Jima, this photograph is one of the most famous photographs in the world. Abbie Rowe worked with the government, becoming a photographer for the National Capital Parks of the National Park Service. Women photojournalist, Marie Hansen was hired by LIFE magazine, being assigned to Women’s Army Auxiliary Crops. Adolf Hitler’s personal photographer, Hugo Jaeger, Führer allowed Jaeger to travel with them to document private events and parties. An iconic woman, Lee Miller is an American photographer and artist, she is famous for the
Jane Adams and Ellen Gates Stars worked side by side in developing the concept of the Hull House in 1889. The Hull House residents provided many services to the urban Chicago neighborhood including day care services for the children of working mothers.
Slapping the school's bad boy is just another one of the embarrassing things Octavia Moore has to add to her list.
Barbara Jordan was born on February 21, 1936 in Houston Texas. She was the youngest child of three. Her father Benjamin Jordan was a Baptist minister and warehouse clerk. Her mother, Arlyne was a maid, housewife and church teacher. Jordan went to college at the University of Texas. She graduated from college being one out of two African American women in her class. Jordan passed away from viral pneumonia on January 17, 1996. Barbara Jordan is a modern here because she is a brave woman, she overcame racism, she is also a civil rights activist.
This is the writing of a true, Diarist and illustrator who wrote about her life on the gold fields of Ballarat. Her name is Ellen Clacy. If we didn’t have her books we wouldn’t have known about a lot of the importance of the gold rush as we do nowadays.
Jane (Laura) Addams was born to Sarah (Weber) Addams and John Huy Addams on September 16, 1860 in Cedarville, Illinois near Rockford and Wisconsin border. She was the eighth of nine children. From this union out of the nine children only three of the daughters and one son survived to see adulthood.
Claudia Davis is a 52 year previous, African-American, professional who survived ground zero on September 11, 2001. Claudia worked in the South Tower of The World Trade Center on the 50th floor. She was at her desk when the North Tower was hit by the airplane. In all of the confusion, there was a call that her tower was safe and to stay where so was. Claudia did not feel comfortable with staying and was evacuating when the second plane hit, just seventeen minutes after the first airplane collided with the North Tower. Claudia was able to escape, however not without suffering injuries as well as extreme distress by both the plane crash and the people she watched fall to their deaths from above her.
Beth Brown is an African American woman who studied astrophysics. Astrophysics is an area of science which applies physical laws discovered on Earth to phenomena throughout the cosmos. Cosmos is the world or universe regarded as an orderly, harmonious system ( Beth is a very appreciated and inspiring astronomer. An astronomer is an expert in or student of astronomy. She was an inspiration to women and minorities in encouraging them to pursue their careers in astronomy/physics. Beth Brown died at the age of 39 due to a pulmonary embolism. When she died, the astronomical community lost one of its most buoyant and caring individuals (Bregman 1).