Alexander the Great is considered to be one of the most important military men in history. He was the king of Macedonia who used different styles and strategic military ways to conquer his enemies and take their territories. He was able to expand his empire by conquering “majority of ancient Afro-European societies such as Phoenicia, Crete, Egypt, Mycenae, Mesopotamia and Indus Valley” Lockard 2011, p142. His military exploits made a considerable impact by altering the landscape of the Afro-Eurasians world. His conquest brought about the beginning of the Hellenic Age in the Mediterranean and Western Asia, where his influenced lasted for several years and spread. His conquest enabled cross-cultural flow of ideas and ways of living. He got married
Alexander the Great was king of the Macedonians and one of the greatest generals in history. As a student of the Greek philosopher Aristotle, Alexander was embedded with lasting interests in philosophy, politics and warfare. As king, he settled problems by immediate action, making quick decisions and taking great risks. His armies overcame these risks by sheer force and by the ingenious tactics instilled in them by Alexander. He and his armies conquered the Persian Empire, which stretched from the Mediterranean Sea to India and formed much of what was then considered the civilized world. Through his conquests, Alexander helped spread Greek ideas, customs and laws throughout Asia and Egypt and adopted a uniform
Alexander the Great, born of King Philip of Macedonia, was one of the greatest conquerors of history. In my opinion, Alexander was a great leader and warrior. For example, in Document B, Alexander used strategy to win over a battle. The strategy he used was complicated, but well thought out; Alexander moved his troops in all different directions to keep Porus puzzled, and took his cavalry to various points along the river bank where he would create a war cry so that Porus would parallel the movements on the other sides of the river until he no longer responded. Now Porus elephants were boxed in, and the elephants trampled their own men because they had no driver's upon them. In this way Alexander won a battle, and through his cleverness, he
Mike Rauser’s article, “War on Christmas” product of spoiled attitudes, provides an introduction to help explain the contents learned in this class. His article has viewpoints that can be demonstrated by the four nodes of religion inquiry, and Ninian Smart’s six dimension of religion. His article acts as a springboard to show our understanding of the course materials.
Only a small number of people in the world have ever earned the title, "Great". Alexander III of Macedonia is one of lucky few. Alexander the Great started his reign in Macedonia at the age of twenty after his father was assassinated. He then proceeded to expand his kingdom to the largest in the world. So, just how great was he? Alexander the Great was an undeniably brilliant military strategist, yet you could still argue that he doesn't deserve his title because of his cruel treatment of his conquered people and massive ego. This paper will cover his greatness, not-so-greatness, and why he can be a little bit of both.
Great men have lived on the face of the earth and left marks of their prowess and legacy that men of the present and even the future find it hard to emulate; a good example of such men is Alexander the Great. This paper seeks to explain further Alexander’s military genius and its positive impact on military impact over the past centuries. The paper also gives a well thought analysis why Alexander was so much successful in his wars and conquests. His big empire spread all the way from Gibraltar to the Punjab and in his leadership made Greek the lingua franca of his new World (Cary, M, 1932).
Alexander the Great is hailed, by most historians, as “The Great Conqueror” of the world in the days of ancient Mesopotamia. “Alexander III of Macedon, better known as Alexander the Great, single-handedly changed the nature of the ancient world in little more than a decade. Alexander was born in Pella, the ancient capital of Macedonia in July 356 BCE. His parents were Philip II of Macedon and his wife Olympias. Philip was assassinated in 336 BCE and Alexander inherited a powerful yet volatile kingdom. He quickly dealt with his enemies at home and reasserted Macedonian power within Greece. He then set out to conquer the massive Persian Empire” (Web, BBC History). It is important to note, which will maybe explain his brutal actions, that
Alexander legacy was the Hellenization of Persia and Egypt, two of the great civilizations at the time. To be Hellenized is to strongly convince by the Greek. He used his great military tactics and skill as a general by conquering Persia an Egypt. Alexander created the largest empire. In the beginning of taking over Persia and other civilizations, he replaced them with Macedonians and Greek leaders so that he can leave the officials there in place. Generals such as Hannibal, Napoleon and Caesar was influenced by all of Alexander’s actions and military work. All of Alexander actions led to his great legacy and it was important to him because he spread the Greek knowledge in all the civilizations he conquered. The Greek knowledge has survived through the years and influenced many other civilizations until
What is a legacy? Does it mean leaving your mark? Is it something that is handed down from generation to generation? Is it something that you build? Everybody has a legacy and it is different for everyone. Alexander the Great was one of the most influential people in history who left a lasting legacy which would be realized for centuries. He conquered most of the Mediterranean world and spread Greek influence and culture throughout. Alexander is considered to be one of the most highly respected generals in history. While Alexander was an intelligent and strong general, his true magnificence and legacy was in the expansion of Greek culture. He changed the Mediterranean world like no one else could and through panhellenism,he created an expansion
In the poem, Beowulf was a perfect way to portray how Anglo-Saxons viewed heroism. Beowulf was a quintessential hero. Beowulf’s courage and strength is unparalleled, and is much more honorable and humble than other warriors. Beowulf had certain qualities other warriors did not. He had courage, loyalty, wisdom, and an enormous amount of strength.
In 331 B.C, Alexander the Great, the leader of the Corinthian and king of Mycenae, became the king of Persia as well. One year later, the man was crowned as the pharaoh of Egypt. His many victories on the battlefield gained him unending popularity and power. How was Alexander able to become such a victorious leader? Alexander the Great was powerful, for he himself possessed inspiration, cunning, and courage which resulted in victory on the battlefield.
Alexander the Great is without doubt one of the greatest military leaders of history. Not only did Alexander of Macedon conquer enormous areas of the known world but also he demonstrated dynamic leadership and masterful strategy on a large scale and tactics on the battlefield. During his life, he ruled the largest empire the world had ever seen, which stretched from ancient Greece to India. The son of King Phillip II of Macedon, Alexander was educated by the philosopher Aristotle and first led Macedonian troops at age 18. Many times Alexander was worshipped as a god in some of the countries he ruled. He had a huge impact on world history spreading the seeds of western culture and philosophy across the world and has legends and stories
Alexander III of Macedon, more commonly known as Alexander the Great, is one of the most legendary figures in our history and in the history of the world. His conquests and endeavors echoed far and wide, bringing about new eras and ideas to the world. Alexander earned his place in the world’s history and is worthy of the title ‘The Great’ because of his military prowess, his idealism and his legacy.
Alexander the Great was the king of Macedonia and was a great conqueror in 330 BC. He was the son of King Philip II and Queen Olympia. During his childhood, he had an interest in courses like medicine, science, and philosophy. He was tutored by the philosopher, Aristotle, and was influenced by Homer’s Iliad, which made him a great conqueror after he was motivated by the main character in the epic, Achilles. After he was proclaimed as king, he led series of attacks and invasions with his army into Asia Minor in around 320 BC. He was known for his cultural achievements, military strategies, and his empire administration. In fact, he conquered more land at a faster rate than any other commanders. Out of all military leaders known in history, Alexander
For centuries, Alexander the Great has held an eminent place in history. Arguably one of the greatest men the world has ever known, the Macedonian King accomplished many great feats in his short, but glorious life. During his reign, Alexander played several roles in the process of conquering the Persian empire, and in the assessment of his character, aspects of Alexander's capabilities of both strengths and weaknesses must be explored in him as a person, a statesman and a leader.
It was August 13, 1923 and at 15 years old you can’t blame me for wanting to see my friends. Though my mother had told me specifically not to go ,but me being my teenage self, I didn’t listen. So now I was cleaning the attic as my punishment and that’s when I saw it.