
Alexander The Great Of The Classical Greek Culture Essay

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ver seen before. Alexander the Great symbolized that same dichotomy in what he believed, how he dressed and spoke, and how he approached life. He had no idea that he would create a new culture. Alexander spoke Greek but did not act Greek in every way of his life. He did not live modestly like the classical Greek culture required. Instead of dressing simply and with austerity, Alexander wore elaborate Asian-styled clothing and he likely enjoyed Epicurean pleasures. Although leading military campaigns was his primary objective, Alexander also led the way in fashion and demonstrated how to enjoy pleasure in one’s life. The move from classical Greece to a more modern culture happened quickly. The Hellenistic culture became more self-indulgent as it focused on elaborate sculptures, art, jewelry, and even buildings. This more contemporary culture began to affect city planning; for the first time cities designed vast public spaces like parks and theatres, all of which lent themselves to pursuits of pleasure or a peaceful state of mind. This posterity – and the ensuing prosperity -- is all credited to Alexander the Great. During his quest to amass huge land holdings, Alexander the Great also established elaborate trade routes that would create extensive opportunities for commerce and promote entire capitalistic ventures along what would eventually become known and the Silk Road. The Greeks were avowed sailors who traveled readily for trade, but the Silk Road opened up new

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