When I was enrolled and taking the Algebra two course over the summer it was my responsibility to schedule deadlines, meet my deadlines, and maintain an optimal schedule for learning. For a little over a month I worked daily to complete the course before August (I started in June). Before taking this course I was enrolled in the Genetic Analysis of Cancer Pathways, Summer Accelerator, at the North Carolina School of Science and Math. I had recieved my online work and deadlines the week of my finals. It was my job to maintain my study habits for my finals and keep up with the work I had
For this specific class, Initial discussions are due by the 3rd day (Saturday at 11:59p) from post opening (Thursday at 12a), and the unit week closes on Wednesday at 11:59 p.m. If the assignment is posted after Wednesday at 11:59p.m it is considered late and it will not be accepted for grading. I think it is an important policy to enforce, because deadlines are necessary to enforce proper time management. One of my personal ambitions is to stay organized and on time for all assignments in my online classes. You can view what days your assignments are due in many different formats under the calendar tab in Canvas, or you can use the courses’ syllabus. In addition to being on time, the class requires the work is completed in Microsoft Office that is newer than 2007. If an assignment is completed in another program it will not be eligible for a
9. What is the policy on Late Assignments? (Please answer for your program if it has specific requirements.)
I accept late assignments; however, each late assignment will be penalized with a 10% grade deduction for each day late, unless you have made prior arrangements with me. Assignments are due by 11:59 p.m., the day after class meets. For this class, that would be11:59 p.m. on Fridays. If I do not receive it by that time, the assignment is considered late. Additionally, late assignments are not accepted for your final assignment. I am required to turn in grades within seven days of the last night of class. Any time you feel that you might be falling behind in the course, it is best to contact me to discuss your situation.
If I am given the chance to be in the nursing program again I will manage and schedule my time appropriately so that I can only focus on my schoolwork. My plan even before I was dismissed, was to retake the classes that I have acquired a grade lower than a C+. I have already started enacting the plan when I took Survey of Statistics during the winter term. This has benefitted me because after taking my time to learn the material my grade went from a D to a B+ in the class. As for the other two classes, Anatomy and Physiology II and Physiological Chemistry, which I have obtained a C in, they were not as I expected them to be, but nonetheless I planned to retake them this summer. As for future management of my time I will arrange a schedule to plan out what needs to be done for school such as upcoming test or assignments. I feel this will keep me better organized and will aid on how I use my time whether that be studying and doing homework to spending free time depending on the needs of my class schedule and school
The elements on my calendar are very important because they say the time and date I need to be in the class and the overall objectives for that day that need to be met. This assignment took quite a while to complete because for me everything has to be in a way I can comprehend the calendar. It took me about 4-6 days to complete because I wanted to make sure I had all of the elements on my calendar. I felt very rushed doing this assignment because I felt like I wasn’t going to be able to finish in time. This took me way longer to complete then I had originally planned. The next task is due February 4th and it is P.E. 03- Optimum Study Environment Essay. I think I will eventually need to add more times to my academic calendar.
This program forced me to be on top of my work and to keep an organized schedule. Due to the fact that this course goes by so fast and work is thrown towards the students all at once, if not cautious it can be very easy to fall behind on work. There is no time to slack off on work and wait until the last minute, because the program gives the students no time. Every minute of the day is taken up by homework and actual class time. This has forced me to
In my last two years of highschool I duel enrolled St. Petersburg Community College, my local community college. In my senior year I decided to take online classes due to the very long drive to the nearest campus. I ended up taking Calculus with Analytic Geometry and two other classes online. My Calculus proffessor did not teach or provide any materiel to learn from other than the text book and homework questions. For the first quarter of the class I did well and completed all the assignments easily; however, the class got harder and the textbook no longer provided me with enough information to complete the assignments. I struggled through this part of the class and had a hard time mainting my grade which I wanted to keep as high as possible. After several trips to the campus for tutoring and spending hours trying to find other external resources I began to learn how to solve the problems and brought my grade back up and finally passed the class with an A.
Any absences of course or assignments failed to be turned in are 100% students responsibility unless proven otherwise.
The choices given did not seem, to me at least, to be any type of conundrum. Writing a complete discussion post on the morrow with the 20% grade deduction would be the only logical solution. It would seem to me, if you have enough time to write a shorter post, which would result in as much of if not more grade loss, there is enough time to send an email to the instructor explaining the situation. Of course, this does not explain the wait for the last minute, but, it would be better than inferior work. As for copying from another source? Well, if your education and future career plans are not that important to you, I guess that would be an option.
Towards the end of middle school I took a placement test to determine where I would start my math classes at high school. After failing most of it I realized that, unlike myself, many of my future fellow classmates had already been exposed to algebra in middle school. I hated the feeling of starting off behind and that summer I was determined to learn Algebra 1 on my own. I borrowed a few textbooks from the library and plowed through a pile of workbooks that I bought at my neighborhood independent education bookstore in San Francisco, which sadly no longer exists today. I was placed in Algebra 1 when freshman year started. It became clear to my teacher at the time, who had started using my worksheets as the answer keys, that I should be
I have made a schedule on what days I would be writing my papers for my other 3 classes. I also broke down the chapters I will be studying on different days for my algebra class. I don’t think it will be to hard because in high school I had to take 6 exams for all my classes. This year all I have to take is one physical in class exam. So this whole process will be different for me. To this day I still appreciate how prepared I came into college, in large parts thanks to my high school. If all goes well, I can finish my first semester with all A’s. Although the semester went by fast, there were days were it went by really slow. I’ve learned a lot in my first semester. Some things didn’t go as expected for me, but in the end it’s a lesson leaned. Lastly, next semester I will be having a new roommate. One of my roommates is transferring so I am assuming that they would place another girl in our room. I’m anxious to see who it is and how everything turns out. Hopefully everything works out because have good roommates is essential for a good college experience, in my opinion. Anyways these next 2 weeks I will be reviewing all my notes and writing all my papers. I know what the reward is for me if I everything goes well. I must finish the semester
Furthermore, I started working on Algebra 2 problems which were a little more tedious than the ones from the other class, yet, they still entertained me. After a couple of weeks in that class, the teacher approached me and asked me if I would like to try a more challenging class; AP Math. I saw it as a good challenge and gave it a chance. Now that didn’t turn out as I expected. The teacher was from a foreign country and had a terrible accent. As a result, I couldn’t understand anything. I felt lost from the moment she started talking to that end I couldn’t follow. I was trying to learn English and had enough with my other classes. I didn’t want my favorite class to become stressful, so I decided to go back to Algebra 2. The teacher welcomed
A time that I experienced failure was when i failed my Algebra II class for first semester. My biggest error was that I didn’t retake my quizzes that i failed when i had the chance too. The first 3 months i didnt really tried, I would tell myself that I had a lot of time for the semester to end. However, i regretted it when i found out that i only had a few weeks for the semester to end. I stressed out the last weeks, I couldn’t go to sleep in the night. I would keep thinking of my grade and how i was going to fail the class. I knew that colleges were gonna see my grades for this year, my junior year. I really want to go to college, I want to make my parents proud. The last weeks, i did everything that i could. I did all the missing homework, and I tried to
Surprisingly, only 12 of the 51 students tested with self-imposed deadlines (roughly 27%) chose to submit their papers on the last day of the semester. Some of these students still handed in their papers before they were due, without a rigid schedule enforced by the class. However, the remaining 39 students with earlier deadlines, chose to forgo utilizing the extra allotment of time to avoid even the temptation of procrastinating. The other 48 students, with fixed deadlines, had to maximize their efforts, with the limited time they had, to work more
Remember being taught something new in a mathematics class and thinking to yourself, “when am I ever going to use this in life?” Sure, not every mathematical theory taught in class will be used in your career, but from my experience, many of the skills learned in mathematics are frequently utilized each day. While mathematics may not be everyone’s favorite subject, I found it to be not only the subject I use the most outside of school, but the one that I enjoy the most, which is why mathematics is my favorite subject.