
Alice Monologue

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Alice was born. A tiny bundle wrapped in pink, warm and soft, soft now. Held and adored, fawned over by others. Sweet, delicate, beautiful, beautiful. Like a flower, a rose. The most delicate rose. Alice grew. Her love grew. Her love for flowers, beautiful flowers. Alice stands at the edge of a field. The young, chubby legs sway under her. Endless. The flowers are endless. As far as her bright eyes could see. Squeals of delight escape Alice. She runs into the field. It welcomes her, greets her with the feeling of petals brushing her skin. Alice’s skin is soft. The petals are soft. Comforting, embracing. Alice stops to inspect a petal. The color is rich, red. Alice grows as she moves through the field, discovering new shades of red. Wading …show more content…

The flowers turn away. They hear Alice, it makes them uncomfortable. Their petals are dark now, curing in on themselves. Alice looks around to see petals pinned to the earth. Trapped by their own thorns. Alice falls to the ground. The ground is hard. Alice thinks back to when it felt soft, and when her eyes were bright. The glistening. She finds it again. She crawls to it. Wire. Alice takes it in her hands. Slowly, wrapping it around her head, over her lips tight. She won’t cry anymore. She doesn’t like how the flowers look at her when she cries. Alice stands. Keep wading through the field. The thorns are constant, but she doesn’t notice them anymore. Alice’s feet are hard now. A bed of thorns. Alice walks slow. She is tired. The flowers still tell Alice she is beautiful, but it makes her sick. Alice is dizzy. She sits. Still, too still. The flowers stare. Then a hand, an arm. It takes the wire, gently, undoing the binding. The hand is kind. It is meaningful, like a pearl. It takes Alice’s feet. It begins to pull at the thorns. Slow, painful work. Alice is reluctant to let go of the thorns. Then new ones could hurt her all over again. But Alice remembers when she first entered the field. The petals underfoot had been so

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