
Alice Wangui Research Paper

Decent Essays

Alice Wangui is a single mother that lives in East Africa. She is running her own hair salon business and lives in a city that is very modern. Even thought living in a modern city she is very traditional and still practices her family traditions of Kikuyo tribe. She is eight months pregnant with her second child and wants to give birth in her spiritual homeland. She wants to leave to raise her children in the traditional Kikuyu. Her doctor doesn’t like her plan of leaving to her homeland because she is less than a week before giving birth but Alice doesn’t care and plans to continue with her plans. Going back to Karatina may have some risk like not having the right medical equipment. She just wants her kids to follow their culture. Alice’s aunt thinks she is breaking tradition because for one she is wearing shoes and because she isn’t raising her children there. …show more content…

Just like Alice she has also ran her own business. Now her life consists of depending on earths natural because she met a man from the dorobo people and fell in love. So she pretty much was raised in a non traditional family living in a big city which is very modern but once she married she decided to leave with him to his homeland in Kijungu. She has been there for 11 years and has had no contact with her family since. There she has no access to electricity and to get walk she has to travel 40 minutes to get water. She has children with her husband and that’s why she is still there but she has become aware of all she has given up. Even though Flora isn’t that happy she does like that her children are being raised in a traditional place where they learn how to hunt and collect honey. One way that Flora breaks the tradition is by being too traditional as her sisters tell her. All the work that Flora has to do back in the village is funny to them because those are things that they would never do in the

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