
Alien Gereotypes: A Short Story

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“Aliens—how do you expect me to believe I’ve been living among aliens my entire life? You think I would have noticed my neighbor’s tentacles and antenna by now,” jeered Jack.
Vivian took a deep, soothing breath. “In our galaxy, humans and non-humans have the same fundamental building blocks—amino acids. The GPG has used this to their advantage. They play around with the unborn alien genotype and insert a particular gene. The tampered fetus then generates a cell, or actually it’s more of a virus—it’s called the NAG virus. They insert the virus with the human genes they want them to present. The baby is born in essence human, much to the parent’s dismay. They are then taken away and raised in Kallo by assimilation agents.”
“This morphological …show more content…

“So you and I have been among these morphed beings ever since I was born?” he asked.
“Jack, everyone with a black badge is referred to as non-human,” she said.
Jack felt a lightning bolt of fear spread through his stomach. “But…I have always had a black badge.”
“Yes, you …show more content…

Who are they then? I mean, where are they? Where are my real parents?” gasped Jack. His breathing became hard, as thoughts of his life flashed through his mind. “How could it all be a fake?”
“Jack, I’m so sorry,” cried Vivian. “But…we’ve always been on Kallo. You raised—“
“No, Jack. I was born nearly 509 Earth years ago,” she said. Jack was swallowing for air: His young face was pale and placid, then he grew faint and slowly fell from his chair to the floor.
“—how long did you say?”
Vivian reached instinctively grabbing him as he landed. Jack felt her warm arms lay him against the wall.
“Flint!” yelled Vivian. Large footsteps could be heard trotting towards them. Jack nodded his head back and forth as the bright lights of the mess hall blurred.
“What? Oh—I’ll get him some tea,” said Flint.
“Jack, wake-up,” sang Vivian, patting his face with her fingers.
“I’m ok, I’m ok,” croaked Jack. His head feebly shifted from side to side. Jack’s eyes began to flutter. He could see his mother kneeling in front of him. “Jack, try this, it will really help,” said Flint. Jack nodded, as he took the strange orange drink from Flint’s eager hands. He slowly drank the fluid and began to come back to his senses. “You’ve got to stop passing out. I’ve never known someone to pass out as much as you.” “Better?” questioned

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