All about Malala
By: Samantha Higgins
Table of context
Introduction 1.Teen activism 2. Malala’s life 3. Malala’s inspiration 4. Malala was shot 5. Malala foundation
This book is about how one girl took a chance in the world and also changed it a little to. Her name is Malala she is a bright and wonderful girl in my opinion. She is amazing because she stood up for what she believed in and she made a difference she almost died because of that but is was a good reason. Malala is my inspiration to follow my dreams and change the world.
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So if you have a big dream like Malala did I suggest that you get out in the world and do something about it.
You need to stand up for what you believe in. And when you do just remember that it might take a long time to change something it might even take 2 years or more. But if you start something you need to finish it no matter what people say. It’s what you believe you can accomplish.
Chapter 1- Teen activism
Teen activist are believers- they are people who want to change the world, people that care, they are amazing, and they are brave. They also want to stand up for something that they believe in. Teen activist are people who change the world- and not for just themselves but for you and everyone else in the world. They want people to care about the environment not destroy it.
Teen activism is no laughing matter! It is important to some people and even some people don’t know about it. But after this im sure that one day the reader that’s you will stand up for something that you believe in. some stand up against bullying and some stand up to recycling or child labor. Even girls education and that girls can learn anything that boys could learn.
A teen activities is a person who stands up for something they believe in alot. A teenager that fights for their country or city or even their state. They stand up to people who are trying to tear down their
”Even if I am a girl, even if people think I can't do it, I should not lose hope. Malala states in an time for kids article She is from Mingora, Pakistan, but lives in England for her safety. Malala started blogging at the at the age of 11. According to TFK (Time for Kids) she states “ I want to see every girl, every child, get an education. This shows how passionate she is about battling with her words for girls in Pakistan to get an education. A story Malala liked was about a Somali girl, She adventures for eight days, without her loving family. Who would sacrifice her home, plus her family to study in a refugee camp? Education is so important. I raise my voice not to shout, but so people Without a voice can be heard. - Malala
Have you heard of an Activist? An activist is a person who wants to make the world a better place. But have you heard of a teen activist? A teen activist is a teen who has an idea to change the world to make it a better place. This essay is about how these three teen activist cared about the environment and the people.
teengers are doing something in order to make their voices and feelings be heard. Encouraged by
Have you ever thought you could make a difference in the world? Helping others in the classroom is good but what if you were able to change the entire world? Young kids called Teen Activists have, they take stands to help others and themselves on the way.
Can one teen really change the world and make it a better place? At least certain teens try and that’s why we call them teen activists. Teen activists fight for a cause that is important to them and other people in similar situations, or facing similar challenges, or simply seeing an opportunity for change. They work in very different ways and use different communication channels, such as; social media, newspapers, and interviews to reach their target audience. Christopher Yao, Alex Lin, and Shawn De Angelo all started their activism as teens.
Have you ever thought about how much work teen activist do? Teen Activist are people who try to stop bad cause and make the world a better place. Teen activist mostly inspire people and bring there heart up. Being a teen activist requires a lot of work because they need to raise money, change laws, and find and utilize resources. The first reason why teen activist are hard workers is because they need to raise money.
Many teen activist aren’t very different from each other. They have common qualities that help them be a better activist. These common qualities help them be better at what they do and help them make the world a better place for those who are experiencing the problems of what the activist is fighting against. Some examples of common qualities that activists have, are that they give up their personal time to fight for their cause, or that they have compassion for those around them. They can be very brave as well.
Do you know what teen activists are? Teen activists are people who stand up for what they believe in. Just like Malala Yousafzai, Faye Carey, and Emily Rigel. Every single one of these people will have obstacles in their way but they never give up for what they think should be right in the world that makes them very brave. If you want to be a teen activist you have to accomplish all of those things.
To start off, the first reason why all teen activists have different traits is that they are all optimistic. For example, Alex Lin is optimistic because he wants to make the world a better place. I know this is true because according to the article “Alex Lin Teen Activist” it said that he recycles computers around the U.S. Also another teen activist Faye Carey is optimistic
One way teen activists show their ideas is social media. They express their opinions to people with facebook, whatsapp, or twitter. For example, Faye Carey is a teen girl who
A teen activist is a current teenager that is motivated to make the world a better place. All teen activist have compassion for others. They dedicate a lot of their time to help other people or animals. Teens become activist based on their own personal experience, or have compassion for others, or are influenced by an inspired person’s actions.
The first way that a teen can become an activist is by going through the struggle themselves. They experienced how horrible it was themselves and they wanted to make sure other people didn’t endure what they had to endure. One example of that is Malala Yousafzai. She was just a girl trying to get an education, but when the Taliban bombed her school, rather than shrinking down in fear and letting the Taliban order them around, Malala stood up for what she
If you somehow helped the world become a better place, wouldn’t you feel good about yourself? Teen activists feel this way everyday, knowing that they have done their part in the world. Some people may call them superheroes, and they fit that description perfectly. Teen activism is where teens take part in our society and work on social change. Some benefits of teen activism are that it gives kids the chance to take part in our world, it gives teens a voice, and it also sets a good example for other children.
What is a teen activist? A teen activist is a teenager who wants to help people or animals for a cause. What I think about all teen activists is that they all fight for what they believe in. They go to extensive lengths to help people to help us. They don't do this because they have to they do it because they want to do it. They don't care that the odds were against them or they have very little chance of succeeding. They do what they want and the do it right.They are like the voice of the people fighting up against poverty and all the other struggles in the world. Most activists go through a lot like Malala but I won't get to deep into that yet. They all have the courage to do what they do.
Definition of an activist: a person who campaigns to bring about political or social change. Teen activists are teenagers who decided to fight for what was right, and instead of waiting for someone to take action, they did it themselves. Teen activists do work that takes up a lot of courage, time, and money. Teen activists don’t always come in the same path, some succeeding, others failing. Teens become activists through different experiences: having a personal struggle, they are inspired by an animal’s struggle, or they read an article somebody struggling.