“If you wanna make the world a better place, take a look at yourself, then make that change.”- Michael Jackson. Inspiring words from the iconic “King of Pop” himself: Michael Joseph Jackson (also known as “MJ”). This singer, songwriter, and dancer was dubbed one of the most popular entertainers in the world, known for his mind-blowing performances as well as his acute lyrics. One of his greatest hit songs was the world known “They don’t care about us”. Released in June 1995 the song is one of the most controversial songs of Michael’s career. The anthem addresses the way people in power treat those with less power and resources. This can be summarized in the hook: “All I wanna say is that/They don’t really care about us”. In addition to the …show more content…
It is described as the “act of creating and describing characters in literature. Characterization includes both descriptions of a character’s physical attributes as well as the character’s personality” (Literary Devices, 2015). This can be translated as bringing the character to light, to bring out his or her characteristics in terms of personality and physique. In this piece, the composer is characterizing his people, the black people the oppressed. This is seen because he uses the pronouns “us” and “me” to refer to all the people suffering and point out that he has also been a victim. But, the “me” is also him saying that he is the voice of the persecuted. In the video, you can clearly see the anger and rage displayed in facial expression of both MJ and all his fellow inmates in the jail cell as well as the scenes in the cafeteria. The anger is also portrayed four times when Michael Jackson screams to what seems like a cry of pain and agony. All these bring out the pain MJ is trying to communicate to his audience for them to get a glimpse of what black people went through. According to Eaglestone, “one of the most heated debates of the last sixty (60) years was over ‘the author is dead’” (2009). This debate opposed: those who believed that what the author meant was what the text should be seen as (authorial intention); and those who believed that a text had no fixed meaning and the text’s understanding was based on the reader’s interpretation only …show more content…
I will admit that I see the song differently now. I understand how deep it truly is and the message of Michael Jackson seems clearer. I realize the methods he used to translate his rage and pain as the voice of the oppressed. I can also state that this song can be linked with the recent “Black Lives Matter” movement because the movement revolves around police brutality against black people in the USA since
In addition to
Throughout the year I have not only come to have a further understanding of literature and writing, but I have also gained the skill of analyzing works of literature and my own Essays while considering devices. Later in the year we focused on a short story by Mark Twain called The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County; after reading it, we were challenged to analyze the text through our understanding of literary and rhetorical devices.
Characterization is the creation or constriction of a character. In, “Mericans”, the grandmother is characterized as being awful and very religious. Cisneros writes, “We’re waiting for the awful grandmother who is inside dropping pesos into la ofrenda box before the altar to La Divina Providencia…Blessing herself and kisser her thumb”. The narrator does not like how religious
In the short stories “Stones” and “To Every Thing There is a Season” the authors Sandra Birdsell and Alistair MacLeod both use literary devices in a similar manner in order to achieve their thematic objectives. This essay will compare the way the authors use three literary devices such as imagery, metaphor and similes in their short stories to portray the thematic objective of loss of innocence.
Millions of people in the world listen to music for all different reasons. Most people all over the world listen to different genres of music in order to relax, but not too many people pay attention to the actual lyrics of a song. If you listen to the lyrics of a song you will realize that many songs have important messages or themes to them. An example of this is the lyrics of the song “Changes” by Tupac Shakur. If you listen to this song, you will realize that Tupac raps about not only the problems that African Americans face from society, but also the struggles that poor people in society have to endure and overcome. Many
Langston Hughes also uses characterization in this poem. The poem is a narrative on a specific character. Hughes describes in detail the background and interests. As soon as he leaves the classroom he starts thinking about his assignment and what he is going to write. This speaks to the characters drive and strive for his education. His race is also his struggle that allowed him to move to the north. Hughes shares what he loves to do, what he is passionate about, his knowledge, and his choice of music. His identity is clear and never questioned. Hughes knows who he is and what he is capable of accomplishing.
Great post! I think you made some valid points, “Certainly the reader has the freedom to interpret a text any way he or she chooses.”(Duvall & Hays, 2012, p. 193) With that being stated by Duvall and Hays it presents a vivid picture of how chaotic the concept of interpretation can get. With everyone being able to place what ever views they have of a subject, ultimately opens the Pandora box to opinions. As you stated, “The issue of communication is important that we search for the author's meaning because of serious negative consequences that will come if we misunderstand or intentionally ignore the meaning the author intended.” The chapters this week showed me the essential factors of why we should not attempt to interpret things within the
Jackson make a powerful statement with his lyrics, he also made one with his choice of rhythm
He said that he was only trying to draw attention to social and political problems, but instead people wanted to focus more on specific words used. While listening and reading the words to the song, I gathered that this song is all about conflict between the government and people of a lower class, it seems. Jackson stated that, “I am the voice of the accused and the attacked. I am the voice of everyone.” He was speaking for those who couldn’t speak for themselves because no one would listen to them.
This song uses a string of personification, metaphors, and idioms in order to reveal a reflective, catchy, and relaxed melody. In the opening of the song, Jackson uses literal language. He does this because he is forcing himself to go out of his home, and do something that would make him feel good. I can infer that he chooses
In his song entitled “They Don’t Care About Us,” Michael Jackson discusses social issues such as police brutality and fixed racial solidarity. The song was released in the year 1995, two years after the accusations of his child abuse. Because of this ongoing scandal as well as the controversy from his song, “Black or White,” Michael Jackson managed to exceeded controversy records. However due to the lyrics and content in the videos, this caused the videos to be temporarily banned and unable to air in both America and in other countries.
Michael Jackson has always been one to be proud of being African American and more likely to choose to be interviewed by African American reporters. He has several songs that discuss race, segregation, and discrimination that comes for people of color. I picked “They Don’t Care About Us” by Michael Jackson because of the message it produces to the audience. There are two music videos that were produced to accompany the song, one filmed in Brazil, showing the poverty and the other is filmed in a prison setting. The prison version music video captures the essence of the lyrics, it starts off with the caption, “This
For many years, people have used music as a way to express and voice their opinions to the world and it is still an outlet for the world today. During the Civil Rights Movement there were hundreds of songs released about the cruelty against African Americans and the freedom and equality that they desired. My favorite song from that era is by Nina Simone and it is called “I Wish I Knew How It Would Feel To Be Free.” All the lyrics represent the pivotal moments throughout that time and truly show you that life was not fair for everyone (3).