
All Of The Things I Ve Done Character Analysis

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The main character from the book All of the Things I've Done is Anya who is a great friend. First Anya is protective of her friends and looks out for them. Anya is trying to protect her friend from a guy who hurt Anya,Will says,” If Scarlett can find it in her heart to be nice to be nice to Gable, who are we to stop her?” This quote shows that Anya is always looking out for people and that quality is a quality that needs to be in a friendship Second Anya is caring toward her friends and family. Anya steps in between a boy and her sister when the boy is pointing his gun at her sister.’’ I stepped between my sister and the boy.‘Anya! No!’ my baby sister screamed..‘Why don’t you pick on someone your own size?’ I asked the boy...‘I’ll shoot

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