The main character from the book All of the Things I've Done is Anya who is a great friend. First Anya is protective of her friends and looks out for them. Anya is trying to protect her friend from a guy who hurt Anya,Will says,” If Scarlett can find it in her heart to be nice to be nice to Gable, who are we to stop her?” This quote shows that Anya is always looking out for people and that quality is a quality that needs to be in a friendship Second Anya is caring toward her friends and family. Anya steps in between a boy and her sister when the boy is pointing his gun at her sister.’’ I stepped between my sister and the boy.‘Anya! No!’ my baby sister screamed..‘Why don’t you pick on someone your own size?’ I asked the boy...‘I’ll shoot
Imagine that you had to start at a new school, without knowing anybody. You are a talented artist, but you are shy and don't like to share you work. This is what Jade had to do in the book “Piecing Me Together”.
In the eyes of today’s society, heroes are viewed as citizens who have accomplished what seems to be the impossible. Whether imaginary or not, heroes are looked at with awe and congratulated for what they have done for the society. However, there is a much simpler way to be a hero. A hero does not have to be able to climb walls, fly over the city, or even save someone from a burning building right before it crumbles down. A hero is simply someone who goes out of the way to give help to those around them that need it. This hero does not need recognition in what he or she does, but takes pride in what they have accomplished for others. In the novel Till We Have Faces by C. S. Lewis, Bardia, the King’s lead guard, acts as the hero for Orual
Molly Pitcher was known as the reason the American Revolution’s Battle Of Monmouth was won. The American Revolution was a war between Great Britain and the colonies in a fight for freedom. The colonies refused to pay taxes to the king, so the king sent an army to make them. They boycotted, beginning the Revolutionary War. Molly, or Mary Ludwig Hays, her birth name, has been remembered as a hero, and a symbol of the American Revolution. Molly Pitcher was a hero, because of her courage to take over the battle after every fighter couldn't anymore. Her heroic acts would go down in history, and she wouldn’t be forgotten.
Have you ever heard of the hood? Well the hood is where gangbangers, drug dealers, and homeless people who have nowhere else to go besides the abandoned apartments and buildings. In the book If I Grow Up by Todd Strasser, Deshawn the main character lives in the hood with his family and lives the life in the projects. Deshawn doesn’t want to be a gangbanger but, his sister, niece and nephew, and his gramma. So he joins the gang to make some money for his family. Deshawn has a choice because, getting a job anywhere, taking a fresh start on life instead of gangbanging, or go to school and have an education.
In the book "Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been", Connie is in constant conflict with her mother who resents her for her youth, and so sometimes "Connie wished her mother was dead and she herself was dead" (361). Connie's life had two sides, one was at home and the other was across a highway. Across that highway Connie expressed a sexual side of herself and tries to attract older men and does. However, the magical romance that Connie imangined everything to be was just a fairy tale. The reality and gravity of her situation soon hit her with a rude awakening. Connie is faced with a decision that will be the defining moment of her coming of age. In the end, Connie chooses her sexual side over her family. However, despite her choice, I
At the beginning of the book, the Ally is stubborn, eventually, Ally becomes brave and confident. These character traits were observed through Ally’s actions, dialogue, relationships, choices, and problems.I learned to stay strong through the hardest moments because at the end of every rainstorm there's a rainbow eventually. Ally and I have a connection because whenever something happens, I am embarrassed to tell people about the event that has happened in my life like ally has dyslexia and she doesn’t want to tell
I was pleased to have attended a lecture cosponsored by the Ethics Center, the Fresno State office of the president, the Fresno Bee and Valley PBS. The lecture began with Dr. Castro recognizing a few leaders on campus, including a past Fresno State president, Dr. John D. Welty and campus volunteer Mary Castro. Dr. Castro then mentioned a few things about Mr. Brooks stating that he is a columnist for the New York Times and an analyst for the PBS “News Hour” and NPR’s “All Things Considered.” Dr. Brooks also teaches at Yale University, one the finest university in the country. Dr. Castro continued by saying that he learned that Mr. Brooks office hours are from 9am to 1pm and how “cool” it sounded to him. I was surprised how many people attended the event. I was fortunate to find a seat. David Brooks mentioned how he has some remote roots in the Central Valley because his father grew in Chowchilla, CA but Mr. Brooks grew in New York.
The United States and Mexico border fence has been a recent debate with the people because of the irresistible flow of Mexican illegal in the United States. Living in the lower Rio Grande Valley of Texas, I may be able to see a huge wall or fence being built on our border with Mexico. Other than the economic recession we have to this day, people still have their views and opinions expressed on another topic, the “segregation” wall. Some express opinions on whether this wall will keep illegal immigrants out, others speak on how this is a total disaster both financially and emotionally as in this wall being referred to as “racist”.
In the story “The Lesson” by Toni Cade Bambara, the characters Sylvia, Sugar, and Mercedes are different in their personalities, behavior, and the way they decide to handle the lesson taught by Mrs. Moore, but alike by all living in poverty and having a positive elder as Mrs. Moore, to teach them the lesson.
“Everyone's life, no matter how unremarkable, has a singular tragic encounter after which everything that really matters will happen,” or so believes the protagonist of Robyn Schneider’s The Beginning of Everything, Ezra Faulkner. Numerous characters in the novel are hit with unimaginable tragedies. However, the one character who struggles the most with their tragedy is Ezra. Although, with the help and continued support from his various peers at a time when his entire world is crashing down on top of him, he overcomes his challenges and in the end, he becomes a much stronger individual while also discovering his true self. This boy demonstrates his growth in several ways. He overcomes his belief that
Everyone makes mistakes, including Alexis, both conscious and unconsciously. Not realizing the negativity brought to yourself because of who you associate yourself with is an honest mistake by many. Despite all the mistakes someone makes and dangerous paths she has found people wondering upon, never has her passionate and warm heart turned away
In Charlotte’s Web we are witness to an odd friendship that evolves from a need to survive into one of deepest respect, understanding, and selflessness. In The Fox and the Hound, we see how the innocence of childhood breaks through the barriers of society’s norms and their friendship develops from similar passions and curiosities - with bonds so strong that neither time nor the pressures of family and work can not break them. In life, as in literature, friendship is an important theme that touches us all. One never knows where or when they will find a friend so stay open and receptive. Smile at that person next to you in the cafeteria, strike up a conversation with the kid next to you on the bus, bake your neighbor some cookies and stay for tea… You may be embarking upon your next tremendous
The book I chose to interpret, I Like Myself by Karen Beaumont, introduces a young girl who has become confident in who she is. Being confident in who one is something that most children deal with some point in their life. Within the book, I identified themes such as self-acceptance, self-esteem, and individualization that relate to Erickson’s psychosocial stages of development, William James’ theoretical approach to the self, Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Systems theory, and Harter’s Self-Perception theory.
In the fictional novel, Someone to Run With by David Grossman, is a story about the girl on a mission to save her brother and the stranger who tries to discover who she is, who’s only clue is her beloved dog and the people he encounters. In Someone to Run With the characters face many challenges that they face with integrity. Many times the characters do the right thing even if every cell of their body is disagreeing with it. Addiction, fear, and fatigue is apparently not enough for these characters when it comes to protecting those they love or even people they don’t know. There are multiple instances of character integrity, but many are seen when they enter a conflict. This conflict is expressed physically, but many times but the real integrity
In the book “Animal Farm” George Orwell uses terms in his book such as allegory, anthropomorphism, and on the farm in the book a dystopia. He incorporates the terms to his story and at sometimes to his characters in the book. George Orwell’s characters represents to significantly to people in history such as Joseph Stalin And Leon Trotsky. He refers in the beginning of the book to the start of the Russian rebellion and the uprising of the Soviet Union. In The book Animal Farm he tells us all about how the corrupt farm is, but on the farm it’s seen significantly as a government in reality despite not trying to be as much as human. People he preferences to all the time is Stalin or known as in the book Napoleon and also trotsky the rival of stalin or better known in the book animal farm snowball.