
All Quiet On The Western Front Paul Bremmer Character Analysis

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In the story All Quiet on the Western Front, the protagonist Paul Bämer experiences multiple characteristic changes while experiencing life from another point of view during his service at the front. While living with his comrades at the front, Paul experiences changes of his attitude towards death due to brutal warfare, dehumanization of himself and his comrade’s, and development of friendship with his comrades. While providing his service at the front, Paul slowly began to lose his old personality of gentleness and compassion towards others as he would fight and kill his enemies while sealing horrific and traumatizing images in his mind. As Paul is on the front during battle Paul begins to comprehend his loss of old self-desires and his …show more content…

But, Paul also benefited from the front by developing close friendships with his comrade’s and built up his character during hard times. During chapter 11, the troop of men get caught into another battle. During this battle Kat is shot in the shin, as soon as this happens Paul is overcome with emotion while trying to save Kat and says “After a few minutes, I straighten myself up again. My legs and my hands tremble. I have trouble in finding my water bottle, to take a pull. My lips tremble as I try to drink. But I smile – Kat is saved. (289-290)” As a result of Paul’s strong relationship due to comradeship Paul is overwhelmed with emotion while trying to save his dying friend. In this moment, Paul gives off the feeling of loss. Before the death of Kat he wasn’t feeling these kinds of emotion when it comes to death due to dehumanization. When A group of new recruits arrives to support the troops, they begin to eat dinner and share their childhood pasts. During this moment, Paul mentions “Kropp divides a cigarette and hands me half. Tjaden gives an account of his...broad-beans and bacon...Kat appears...he has two loaves of bread under his arm and bloodstained sandbag full of horse-flush in his hand” (38-39). Later on in the story, these little things such as sharing food and cigarettes not only build the friendship between Paul’s comrade’s but keeps them alive. Moments

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