
“All propaganda has to be popular and has to accommodate it’s self to the comprehension of the

Decent Essays

“All propaganda has to be popular and has to accommodate it’s self to the comprehension of the least, intelligent of those whom it seeks to reach.”
- Adolf Hiter
From January 30, 1933 to May 8, 1945 for than 55 million Jews, Gypsies, more like anyone that didn’t agreed with the Germans were killed . You might ask who would do this to millions of people? Can you guess? It was Adolf Hitler, why didn’t he like the Jews? Or why did they only have to have blonde hair and blue eyes too live. Why is it that Hitler had brown hair and not blonde but still said they couldn’t have any hair color but blonde? Is that really fair? Hitler didn’t like the Jews prior to one reason, him and the Nazis thought were responsible for huge events like losing …show more content…

Most had to flee their homes due to discrimination and anti- Semitism. Jews could be found in all walks of life, as farmers, tailors, seamstresses, factory hands, accountants, doctors, teachers, and small-business owners. Some families were wealthy most more were poor. Many children ended their schooling early to work in a craft or trade; others looked forward to continuing their education at the university level. Still, whatever their differences, they were the same in one respect: by the 1930s, with the rise of the Nazis to power in Germany, they all became potential victims, and there lives had changed forever that day.
. The Nazis set up the first concentration camp in 1933 six years before the start of World War II. They sent Jews, gays, Gypsies and anyone who disagreed with them. They starved and were only given a small piece of bread, black coffee, and a little watery soup a day. There was only one doctor and they had no medicines. The poor parts of town were called the “Ghettos” which it had separated the Jews from the non-jews, they built walls around it and guards stood at the gates so no one could escape.6,000,000 Jews were killed 1.5 million of them being children with the destruction of 5,000 Jewish communities. The Nazis tried to cover up evidence of their crimes at death camps, they blew up chambers, they burned the storerooms holding the inmates stolen belongings, they destroyed records, planted trees, and buried bodies to

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