
Allegory Of The Cave Analysis

Satisfactory Essays

Aneika Sohan
Philosophy 100
Ms. Cara O’Conner

Q: Is Plato trying to say about (people, politics, and knowledge) when he has Socrates describing the cave and its inhabitants?

The allegory of the cave was written by Plato between 427-347 B.C.E. in this part of the republic excerpts. Socrates and Glaucon, where Socrates is explaining to about people and knowledge and political to someone who lives in a cave. Plato's forms of metaphysics we are speaking of his ideas of physical and nonphysical realities. The ideas that things are not always what we perceive them to be. For example, your standing in the middle of the street on a hot summer day your eyes are gazed approximately down five blocks down and as your starring down and the sun blazing

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