Should cellphones be allowed in school ??? Should cellphones be allowed in school ? With the increasing use of electronic technology most every student has a cellphone. some feel that cellphones are useful in the classroom. Others feel that cellphones use is not useful in the classroom. After much thought and research it is my opinion that cellphones should be allowed in school. Cellphones can be used as commutation for example in case of emergencies you can call mom, dad or 911 . also in can be used if the bus changed and your mom need to come get you. Yet another example if there is a lockdown drill and the power is out because that person put out the power in the school. you could contact nine-one-one or Mom and dad or other siblings it
According to the article "Hang it up" by Jesse Scaccia, a former public school teacher,cell phones should not allow in school because the are a distraction for both students and teacher students using cell phones in class tend to have short attention spans and this could lead to doing poorly in their classes. In addition,cell phones are actually a status of symbol for many students,who seem to care more more about their social life rather than learning. On the other hand,parents and students advocate for cell phones in school for safety reason. Finally the author points out that parents needed to worry about other problems in their children schools not cell phones. I believe cell phone in schools should be use for an emergency situation however,using
I think using smartphones should be allowed to in classrooms. If students are allowed to use their phones in the classroom they would be able to focus on their assignments. If students use technology, such as their phones, they will be able to be prepared for their future. In the future mostly everything would be based off of technology. While in the classroom the electronic devices would be very useful for current assignments. Some people also work better on a phone of computer/chromebook. These are some super-eminent qualities. If students are allowed to use their phones computers tablets or any other device they could get their work done faster or more efficiently. Many people believe that when students get in trouble at school that they are being taught a lesson. However, as a middle schooler myself we seem that getting in trouble is just a way of telling us that we need help. Or that we are horrible people and need to do something better in our lives. Without phones in class we need a way to communicate. Most communication is done over the
One way you can use your phone is you can contact your parents to tell them something important.
Phones should not be allowed to be used at school because phones tend to distract not only the student that has the phone, but also the other student's and the teacher. When a person gets a text they want to answer it right then. When that student or person receives a text, it interrupts the whole class because for one, your going to want to answer it, and for the second reason the class looks at you and that causes a big distraction for everyone that was listening to the teacher and trying to learn. Another reason a phone is distraction is students tend to stay on social media and post crazy things and selfies and during class they want to take a picture of themselves and other student's to post and that distracts not only that person but their classmates around them.
Should cellphones really be allowed in schools, or would they cause huge problems?Schools disagree on having cell phones in the class for reasons such as, texting in class, going on websites that are unauthorized at the school, and many more reasons, but what the schools systems dont understand is the educational things you can do on a cellular device. In fact schools don't want cell phones in any part of the building not just the classrooms. Although schools disagree on cellphone usage in the building, they should allow them because there are many uses for cell phones in school to help kids academically.
Should phones be allowed in middle and high schools. Well in my opinion I think phones should be allowed in school. A advantage of having smart phones in school is it can keep you safe. Another reason is that it is convenient to have access to information right at your fingertips. Also it make sense to have cellular devices in school as a learning aid.
Should phones be allowed in school? Many people argue a lot about this. In many schools there is a controversy about this. Some people think that it is a good thing to have phones in school, while others´ do not. Many teenagers have cell phones nowadays. About 78% of teenagers aged 12 to 17 have cell phones. Technology has a great impact on teens. They have good ways in which teens can enjoy them, but also they have bad ways. Many adults worry about the bad things that technology can do to the youth. They worry that the youth might get to addicted to phones. Adults also worry about how it can damage their brains. Many researchers are saying that teenagers are getting to addicted to phones. One of the symptoms of this is by texting all day, and by also feeling the need to check your phone everyday. However In my paragraph, I strongly go for phones not being allowed in school.
Should cell phones be allowed at school? I do not believe that cell phones should be allowed at school.
Should phones be allowed in class? Phones were originally created just for communication but that changed when we got smarter. Now phones are used for texting, calling, entertainment (games or apps) reminders, calendars and almost anything you want. According to, 22% of kids ages 6-9 have cell phones, 60% of tweens (ages 12-14) and 84% of teens ages 15-18 have cell phones. Schools these days practically require you to have you to have an electrical device whether its for kahoot, calculators or powerschool to check your grades.
Students should be allowed to have phones in class because students aren’t the only ones who use them in class, the teachers use it as well. It is stated on , “ It’s not just the tweens
There are 7 billion people in the world and estimated out of those 7 billion, 6 billion have access to cell phones. Cell phones we all use in our daily life and that includes in school. There is an ongoing argument on whether or not schools should allow students to have cell phones. Even though Cell phones can be distracting in school, schools generally use new technology, most schools are switching to technology and cell phones are a teaching tool.
As a student at Vaughn I do believe that phones should be allowed but in a way they should not be allowed.Minority of all teens have cell phones.Cell Phones are usually used for emergencies etc.But now a days kids are using the electronic device for social media and to interact with friends,which leads to why I think cell phones should not be allowed.So Im going to be givng my opinin on reasons why cellphones should not be banned and reasons why they should be banned.
Students in case of an emergency should be allowed to use their phones during school. You can use your phone if you get hurt or they need your parents phone number. You can call them after a shooting or fire to let them know you're ok. School lets out early because of a snowstorm and you miss the bus.
In this generation, cell phones are the center of everyone’s focus, but are they really necessary? I believe cell phones should not be allowed in school. We are only in school for half of the day, we should be able to go without our phones for that short amount of time. Besides, cell phones create a distraction during school. They are used for cheating, bullying, they also disturb the learning for other students. I’ll explain why.
Cell phones are wireless phones that most people use now. First they used the home phone which is still used in different countries in the world. In 1834 a man named Michael Faraday, was studying if space could conduct electricity and he came with the idea to develop the cell phone. Cell phones are now used everywhere by anyone, even kids. This brings a problem, CELL PHONES in school. Cell phones should not be allowed in school. Cell phone has a harmful effect on teenagers. Student at high school should not be allowed with cell phones due to certain circumstances. There are many disadvantages derived from the uses of cell phones