
Allowed In School

Decent Essays

Cell Phones permitted Some can argue that cell phone use during school is highly uncivilized but it's extremely useful in many different ways and in different scenarios.Instead of viewing cellphones and other gadgets as negative additive distractions , we should view the positive side of celluar devices. Cell phones can help resolve issues and help make the school environment much easier, however do believe there should be restrictions , for instance not to use a phone while the teacher is having a discussion or teaching lesson. If a student can obey these rules and not use it in a disrespectful manner , then there should not be any issues. Cellular phones should be allowed in schools for threatening emergencies, to avoid double standards between teachers and students and most of all to help students with research purposes. If there just happens to be an emergency at school for instance like a school threat or school shooting , cell phones could help students connect to their worried parents. Some parents can become extremely worried if they do not know what is going on with their child ,they tend to panic or even start to believe that something bad has happened to their …show more content…

Did you know 95% of parents agree that allowing their student to bring their cell phones to school enhances their responsibility and teaches a student how to care for something. Cell phones can often time be seen as a dumb gadget we use to kill and time for entertainment purposes but it is far more than that . It must be accepted that cell phones can be used to save lives , to ease the nerves of a loved one , not anger a student , or to even be used as a reward. So instead of being simple minded , there is another big picture being

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