As you have been informed, I represent Alondra Tellez in connection with the injuries she sustained due to an automobile collision that occurred on January 17, 2016.
On January 17, 2016, Ms. Tellez, was driving his respective vehicle on Watson, my client was traveling southbound on Watson Rd., near Abram Street, in Tarrant County, Texas.
Mr. Alvarado approached my client suddenly after running a red light. The negligence of your insured caused Ms. Tellez to collide into Mr. Alvardo’s left side of the door after Mr. Alvarado ran a red light. Ms. Tellez bags deployed, causing great damage to her car. See Photographs, attached as Exhibit A. The two-car collision occurred suddenly and without warning.
Mr. Martinez violated numerous sections of the Texas Transportation Code, including but not limited to the following:
Section 545.401. Reckless Driving; Offense. (a) A person commits
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Tellez presented to Coast to Coast Radiology Consulting for further examination. At Coast to Coast, Ms. Tellez was performed several examinations that included: A thoracic spine radiograph, left shoulder radiograph, lumbar spine radiograph, left knee radiograph, and a cervical spine radiograph. The thoracic spine radiograph showed the thoracic kyphosis reduced, with a right lateral list of the lower thoracic segments and costochondral cartilage calcification. The left shoulder radiograph showed a residual of the open growth plate at the proximal humerus. The lumbar spine radiograph showed the lumbar lordosis reduced, most pronounced in the mid to upper lumbar segments with a subtle posterior in shift in weight-bearing, pelvic un-leveling, low on the left, a mild left lateral convexity of the lower thoracic and lumbar spine. Lastly, the cervical spine radiograph showed marked restriction on motion, most pronounced in the upper cervical region on flexion and complete loss of cervical lordosis with subtle
Our client, Sage Rent-A-Car Incorporation, leased a vehicle to Jeffery Calkin. The Defendant, Mr. Calkin was involved in a collision by failing to stop at a stop sign, therefore colliding with Jane White, the Plaintiff. Ms. White filed a negligence law suit against Mr. Calkin and Sage Rent-A-Car Inc. In the complaint, the Plaintiff claims that our client is required to carry insurance under the provisions of the Mandatory Financial Responsibility Act and therefore, has the duty to assume liability for the Defendant’s negligent collision. This matter is before the court on a motion to dismiss the Plaintiff’s complaint.
As a follow up to our phone conversation this date, Allstate investigated an intersection accident which occurred on October 4, 2016 in Fairfax, Virginia. Upon completion of our investigation found Geico insured Karen Finger to be the proximate cause of the loss and 100% liable. We determined Ms. Finger failed to maintain proper lookout and yield the right of way while attempting to make a turn and therefore was 100% liable for the loss. Allstate’s investigation found no liability on our insured driver, Nathaniel
Jeffery Calkin, the defendant, leased a vehicle for our client, Sage Rent-A-Car Inc., and was involved in a car accident with that vehicle. Failing to stop at a stop sign, Mr. Calkin collided
Paul Imbree, the plaintiff , a supervising licensed driver has suffered a serious injury in a road accident in Northern Territory due to the negligence and breach of duty of care by Jesse McNeilly aged 16 years & 5 months old, the first defendant, and an inexperienced driver not possessing any driver/ learner’s permit.
Mr. Frye attempted to collect on his automobile insurer Crimson Permanent Assurance Company. Crimson denied coverage. Mr. Frye brought suit against Crimson. Crimson moved for summary judgment on the basis that Carmon Frye was not occupying the vehicle and the damage to the vehicle was intentionally caused by Cameron Frye within the meaning of the policy. The policy defines occupying as “in, upon, getting in, on, out or off.” Under the policy “property damage to ‘your covered auto’ or any ‘non-owned auto’ that is intended or expected by you or any ‘family member.’” is excluded from
Applicant (Geico) proved that Respondent 2 (USAA) impacted the rear of their insureds vehicle by failing to maintain proper distance and control. Applicant (Geico) did not prove that Respondent 2 (USAA) pushed them into Respondent 1 (Geico) vehicle. Review of the statements obtained by both Applicant (Geico) and Respondent 2 (USAA) from Respondent 1 (Geico) indicate that Applicant (Geico) impacted the rear of Respondent 1's (Geico) vehicle prior to Respondent 2 (USAA) impacting the rear of Applicant's (Geico) vehicle. Respondent 1 (Geico) stated he felt only one impact from the Applicant (Geico) vehicle and who was not pushed back into them. Review of the Applicants (Geico) vehicle photos indicates Applicant (Geico) was braking at the time
On august 24, 2015, at approximately 2:32 PM I, Deputy Ragsdale, was dispatch to 898 County Road 1895, Yantis, Texas in reference to a theft.]
On 05-21-17 at approximately 0233 hours, I was conducting extra service at the King Taco Restaurant located at 45 N. Arroyo Parkway. I saw a male Hispanic, later identified as Suspect Jonathan Omar Retana standing in front of 121 N. Arroyo Parkway. I saw Retana jumped and held onto the front awnings metal railing located in front of the location. Retana then began doing pull ups. I contacted Retana believing he may break the metal awning. Corporal Llanes #5295, Officer Orosco #6648 and Officer Park #6800 were at the location and assisting me.
The need of car accident compensation lawyers Temecula is required, whenever you car is met with accident in Temecula CA. however, no one wish such incident happen to their car or they go and hit a car. Nevertheless, road accidents are uncertain and a professional car injury lawyer Temecula can only deal for your justice. The injury accident attorney Temecula is the best for road accidental injuries, who even do not charge until you get justice. They will clear all your doubts on should I get an attorney after a car accident as free consultation. It is advisable to find cheap car accident attorney in CA. This is because, lawyer for a car accident Temecula
for the property damage of her vehicle which was damaged by your driver, Marcin M. Wencel
Ms. Martin provided her r/s when she observed the claimant having a seizure next to her hospital bed. No account of a head injury was mentioned or found when claimant, Ms. Alcala, collapsed to the ground. Mr. Connelius confirmed he just arrived for work when he an employee informed him about Ms. Alcala's seizure. After assessing her medical condition, he found her to be unresponsive, at which time she was transported to a local hospital and has not returned to work.
The FNOL states insd hit a fix object. During our conversations with Ms. Carter she has indicated her vehicle was tampered with and we explained she does not carry coverage for collision or comprehensive and if as she alleged the vehicle was tampered with it would be a comprehensive loss and there is no coverage on her policy. We explained she has uninsured motorist coverage however this would not apply to the loss. No phantom vehicle and no police report. We explained there was no coverage for loss and she would be responsible for the movement of vehicle and strongly recommended
I made contact with the driver and requested a driver's license and insurance. The driver was unable to provide a driver license or insurance. He provided Mexico Metricula Consular ID Card with the name of Martinez-Quintana, Gabriel A. DOB 08/17/60. The name was checked through L.E.A.D.S. via dispatch, at which time it came back no record with no wants/warrant. Martinez was placed into custody at 1700 hours and he was transported to the Cicero Police Station to be processed. The vehicle was towed by Tuff Towing
Analysis: The facts are Bill was struck by a motor vehicle driven by Ron. Bill suffered substantial injuries. Bill is from Fresno, California and Ron is from Las Vegas, Nevada. If you add up all the medical expenses, lost wages and pain and suffering Bill’s damage
DUI charges have come with harsher punishments in recent years. What was once a minor traffic violation is now often a criminal felony. While it is irresponsible and negligent to operate any vehicle on any road under the influence of drugs or alcohol, the law is not always right when it comes to deciding each case. At, we have seen countless cases of a driver being charged with a DUI who was not over the legal limit and was given a false positive by the breathalyzer. A single DUI charge can impede on someone’s life. It carries large court fees and the impound fees for retrieving one’s vehicle can exceed a thousand dollars. To think that a first offense DUI charge will come with a reduced sentence is naive. Many judges are looking to make an example