
Alondra Tellez Case

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As you have been informed, I represent Alondra Tellez in connection with the injuries she sustained due to an automobile collision that occurred on January 17, 2016.


On January 17, 2016, Ms. Tellez, was driving his respective vehicle on Watson, my client was traveling southbound on Watson Rd., near Abram Street, in Tarrant County, Texas.

Mr. Alvarado approached my client suddenly after running a red light. The negligence of your insured caused Ms. Tellez to collide into Mr. Alvardo’s left side of the door after Mr. Alvarado ran a red light. Ms. Tellez bags deployed, causing great damage to her car. See Photographs, attached as Exhibit A. The two-car collision occurred suddenly and without warning.

Mr. Martinez violated numerous sections of the Texas Transportation Code, including but not limited to the following:

Section 545.401. Reckless Driving; Offense. (a) A person commits …show more content…

Tellez presented to Coast to Coast Radiology Consulting for further examination. At Coast to Coast, Ms. Tellez was performed several examinations that included: A thoracic spine radiograph, left shoulder radiograph, lumbar spine radiograph, left knee radiograph, and a cervical spine radiograph. The thoracic spine radiograph showed the thoracic kyphosis reduced, with a right lateral list of the lower thoracic segments and costochondral cartilage calcification. The left shoulder radiograph showed a residual of the open growth plate at the proximal humerus. The lumbar spine radiograph showed the lumbar lordosis reduced, most pronounced in the mid to upper lumbar segments with a subtle posterior in shift in weight-bearing, pelvic un-leveling, low on the left, a mild left lateral convexity of the lower thoracic and lumbar spine. Lastly, the cervical spine radiograph showed marked restriction on motion, most pronounced in the upper cervical region on flexion and complete loss of cervical lordosis with subtle

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