
Alpha Mu Tau Case Study

Decent Essays

The Alpha Mu Tau chapter’s Honors in Action project sought to not only address a locally present issue, but used the undertaking to promote scholarship and provide opportunities for participating members to enhance their leadership. Originally, the committee chose a theme for the project before exploring topics along that thread. This was found to be problematic as it unintentionally put the team in a creative bind and it was deemed necessary to revisit the process of brainstorming to revitalize the project. The committee decided it would be a more effective approach to choose a topic first, delve into it, and then choose a theme based on the new-found interest. Speaking on the importance of higher education, we began to evaluate the perspectives of education around the world. We found a great amount of discrepancy in terms of accessibility in different countries as even the most developed nations had contrasting approaches. Primarily, it came down to accessibility, in both convenience and cost. This begged the question: if a major factor of attending college comes down to cost and convenience, why are community colleges not in the …show more content…

Continued inquiry on the role these schools play in the realm of providing education revealed that they do fill a unique niche, they foster those whose education may have been disenfranchised by universities or personal circumstances. If public perception of these colleges were to improve, the effects could lead to a more educated and prosperous society. Utilizing the responses of the surveys, we were able to then organize eight key objectives for our project that could improve the sentiment towards non-university higher education options and, possibly, lead to that brighter

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