Unsolved Case of the Alphabet Murders During the 1970’s, a chilling series of events had the people of New York on edge. The citizens around Rochester were particularly anxious. Three victims in the surrounding areas had been discovered, each with double initials. The unsolved case of the Alphabet Murders leaves the people of New York inquisitive and horrified to this day. 10-year-old Carmen Colon was the first to disappear on November 16, 1971. She was said to have walked alone to the pharmacy earlier that day, to pick up a prescription for her stepsister. She had to wait at least an hour before the medicine was ready, so she left the pharmacy to run other errands. However, she never returned to pick up the prescription, nor came back home. “When 5PM rolls around, Carmen’s worried grandparents and mother begin searching for her. A team of forty police officers joins them, …show more content…
An 11-year-old girl who was discovered April 3, 1973, after she disappeared the day before. She had been seen walking near the railroad with her best friend, Kimmy. Wanda had become paranoid that someone was following them. She informed Kimmy to run home as fast as she can. They both made it safely and told Kimmy’s mother to contact the police (Roy and Mackenzie). However, two days later, Wanda was sent on a grocery run. When she doesn’t return, her sister and a schoolmate go out looking for her, while her mother reported her missing. “Witnesses place a brown car and Wanda together after she left the deli. Soon after, authorities discover her body at a rest area access road that’s ten miles away” (Roy and Mackenzie). Detectives placed the two cases of Carmen Colon and Wanda Walkowicz together. Many hearts sank when they found everything had lined up identically. Wanda had also been raped and strangled to death, then her body dumped off at Webster. Citizens were horrified when they discovered the similarities. Unfortunately, Wanda was not the last
While going through a hard time of her husband being gone and he grandmother passing away, Lilia wanted so bad to cross into America to have her family together. An old friend of Lilia’s from school offered to help get her and her child across to America. Seeing that she trusted the man she decided to allow him to help her. Lilia and her baby had to go with different coyotes. She went to the house of the man that was to be her coyote; he took Lilia to a woman coyote that would bring the child across. After leaving her baby with the woman, Lilia and her coyotes started their journey in a truck. She was to ride on the back that was covered with the man that was not driving; along the journey, the coyote raped her. They arrived at a river, which she had to swim across. Once across the water, she had to wait in a junk yard in the back of a car for someone to show up and call for her. She was taken to a house, where she would get her new identification, a new life. This is where she awaited for her child and her husband. While she was waiting she had to cut and dye her hair, she also watched a man being murdered. Day’s passes and her child never arrived, but Hector did. Hector was grateful to see his wife, but very upset that his child had not arrived. Hector, Lilia, and Miguel tried to figure out how to find the child, but had no luck. Hector asked his boss and his wife to help but they also had no
At 5.00 a.m. Mr. Domaszewicz drives to Ms Murphy’s home and tells her Jaidyn has been abducted.
Overview: In the 1990s in Atlanta, Georgia tragedy struck the city as their beloved JonBenet Ramsey, young beauty pageant queen, was kidnapped and murdered. At first police suspected her parents as the murderers, as the ransom not found for her kidnapping was proven to be written on Mrs. Patsy Ramsey’s notepad, Proved by the inventions found on the pad. Nevertheless, after DNA testing both Ramsey parents were proven not guilty of the crime once and for all.
On January 10, 1992, Shanda Sharer was 12-years old when she was kidnapped and murdered by 3 madison, Indiana teenagers. The teenagers were Tony Lawrence and Hope Rippy who were both 15-yrs old along with Lori Tackett who was 17-yrs old. The girls picked up Melinda Lovelace who was 16-years old in New Albany, Indiana to attend a punk rock concert in Louisville, Kentucky. Melinda Lovelace was jealous of Shanda Sharer and planned to kidnap her and kill her because of a love triangle that involved Melinda’s ex-love interest, a 14-year-old girl named Amanda. After the concert the 4 girls took Shanda Sharer, promising her that she would see Amanda, and brought her to The Witches Cast.
All George Anthony said to hearing that his granddaughter had been missing for thirty-one days was, “What?”. As the officers arrived to the house, Cindy and Lee were overwrought. Casey and George were described to be strangely
It’s the morning of December 26th, 1996. Police cars scatter the scene searching for a missing 6 year old pageant queen; JonBenet Ramsey. The house is flooded with neighbors and officers as they search for any evidence. An officer tells John and Patsy Ramsey to search for anything suspicious. John makes a bee-line to the basement. What he finds is JonBenet. Covered in her favorite white blanket, beaten, strangled, sexually assaulted, she was dead. He carried her up the stairs, frantic, destroying any evidence. An unsolved murder mystery changing the lives of the Ramsey’s and history itself forever. What if I told you that maybe JonBenet knew her killer? Suspicious behavior was brought up by the Ramseys. Understandably, but, small and valuable
The Clutter family and the family of Betty Spencer. Also similar were the number of people left dead at the scene. Both tragedies ended in four
On November 15, 1959, the Clutter family was found murdered in their home in Holcomb, Kansas. Richard Eugene Hickock and Perry Edward Smith were arrested for murdering the family of four six weeks after the crime was committed. During my research, I found that prior to the murder, Hickock and Smith were both in jail when a fellow prisoner, Floyd Wells, told Hickock about Mr. Clutter and the amount of cash he had stashed in a safe in his house. Hickock contacted Smith and convinced him to commit the robbery with him and start a new life in Mexico with the money.
After Lisa Returned home without Dawn, her mom had become alarmed. After a few hours had elapsed, the police were alerted and a neighborhood wide search had begun. Purportedly, a newspaper delivery man made the gruesome discovery of Dawn Hamilton in the wooded
Over the last 30 years, murders have decreased, but in the 1800’s there was a spike in murders that went unsolved. Most have been solved except for a peculiar one. That peculiar case is the Lizzie Borden case.
Plato (427-347 B.C) believes that the human good is gaining all wisdom and attaining the ultimate truth while being able to share this wisdom with others. He believes when you find the ultimate truth, the good is revealed and understood. The goal for understanding the good is to continue to spread the good to others so that they too can attain wisdom. In this essay, I will depict Plato’s view of the good through two of his works – The Allegory of the Cave and The Apology.
Have you ever heard about Lu La Roe? This article is going to completely share you about Lu La Roe. If you are one among the lists of fashion lovers and you are interested in helping household women, then you can grab opportunity from Lu La Roe. Actually this Company is founded in 2014. DeAnne Stidham is the owner of this Company. Do you need to know about them? Just search about LuLaRoe on Twitter. He has turned up as fashion entrepreneur. The main aim of this Company is to help people to sell comfortable, reasonable, stylish clothing to people. As a fashion consultant, you will find way to earn stream of income to by being as a household through them.
Emotional abuse- when a parent or caregiver harms a child’s mental and social development, or causes severe emotional harm, it is considered emotional abuse ("What is Child Abuse")
Murders were not unusual in the “east end” of London. Some historians thinks, there were dozen murders and a few say only five.
Every day I wake up knowing I’m going to have to fight the same war within myself that I do everyday. A war that isn’t visible to the eye, nevertheless a war I never feel I will be free from. It is a humiliating feeling to be fearful of your mind as if you are its prisoner. There are days where I will do anything just to survive. Anxiety has become a sickness that I can’t shake. The way I was brought up plays a significant role in developing a personality derived from perfectionism as well as fearing any sort of failure, due to developing an anxiety disorder. Anxiety has clouded my sense of “who I am,” as well as, affected me physically and cognitively.