
Alphabet Murders Case Study

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Unsolved Case of the Alphabet Murders During the 1970’s, a chilling series of events had the people of New York on edge. The citizens around Rochester were particularly anxious. Three victims in the surrounding areas had been discovered, each with double initials. The unsolved case of the Alphabet Murders leaves the people of New York inquisitive and horrified to this day. 10-year-old Carmen Colon was the first to disappear on November 16, 1971. She was said to have walked alone to the pharmacy earlier that day, to pick up a prescription for her stepsister. She had to wait at least an hour before the medicine was ready, so she left the pharmacy to run other errands. However, she never returned to pick up the prescription, nor came back home. “When 5PM rolls around, Carmen’s worried grandparents and mother begin searching for her. A team of forty police officers joins them, …show more content…

An 11-year-old girl who was discovered April 3, 1973, after she disappeared the day before. She had been seen walking near the railroad with her best friend, Kimmy. Wanda had become paranoid that someone was following them. She informed Kimmy to run home as fast as she can. They both made it safely and told Kimmy’s mother to contact the police (Roy and Mackenzie). However, two days later, Wanda was sent on a grocery run. When she doesn’t return, her sister and a schoolmate go out looking for her, while her mother reported her missing. “Witnesses place a brown car and Wanda together after she left the deli. Soon after, authorities discover her body at a rest area access road that’s ten miles away” (Roy and Mackenzie). Detectives placed the two cases of Carmen Colon and Wanda Walkowicz together. Many hearts sank when they found everything had lined up identically. Wanda had also been raped and strangled to death, then her body dumped off at Webster. Citizens were horrified when they discovered the similarities. Unfortunately, Wanda was not the last

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