
Alzheimer's Diseases: A Case Study

Decent Essays

The purpose of this assignment is to explore the psychological and sociological factors that influence health choices. As a Trainee Assistant Practitioner (TAP) on surgical ward, clinical experiences will be used in addition to academic resources in order to explore the major psychological, sociological and social-economical influences on health and well being on a patient with Alzheimer’s. An explanation of communication and barriers to communication will be given and how it can affect the therapeutic relationship between the TAP and the patient. Confidentiality and anonymity will be maintained throughout the essay by following the Skills for Health and Skills for Care (2013) Code of Conduct for Health Care Support Workers. Frank was admitted …show more content…

There are three stages to the Alzheimer’s diseases model, stage 1 is mild to early onset and lasts two to four years; this includes frequent memory loss, particularly of recent conversations and events. There are some problems expressing and understanding language. Depression and apathy can occur and reminders are needed for daily activities. Stage two is moderate to mild onset and lasts two to ten years; a person will no longer be able to cover up problems. More likely to become lost in familiar surroundings, changes in mood and behaviour, needs structure, reminders and assistance with daily activities. The final stage, stage three is severe to late onset and lasts one to three years, a person will be confused about past and present, loss of ability to communicate or process information, unable to care for self. There are problems with loss of verbal skills and incontinence and illness. Extreme problems with mood, behaviour and hallucinations and at this stage a person will need twenty four hour care and support. Frank would be said to be entering into moderate to middle stages of Alzheimer’s. Skinner (1938) coined the term operant conditioning; it means changing of behaviour by the use of reinforcement which is given after the desired response. Skinner identified three types of responses or operant …show more content…

Similarly Rose (2003) argues that memory defines who we are and shapes the way we act more closely than any other single aspect of our person hood. Rose (2003) goes on further to suggest that lose your memory and you, as you cease to exit. A cognitive approach in other words, psychologists from this approach study cognition which is the ‘mental act of process by which knowledge is acquired.(McLeod,2007). When Frank was in hospital his cognition was tested by performing the Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE), is the most commonly used test for complaints of memory problems. It can be used by clinicians to help diagnose dementia and to help assess its progression and severity. The MMSE can also be used to assess changes in a person who has already been diagnosed with dementia. It can help to give an indication of how severe a person’s symptoms are and how quickly their dementia is progressing. The Montreal Cognitive Assessment was developed as a quick screening tool for detecting Alzheimer’s. The total possible score is thirty and the score range for mild cognitive impairment is 19-25.2 and for Alzheimer’s dementia 11.4-21, while the score ranges overlap, differentiation between the conditions is dependent upon associated functional impairment. Frank

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