
Amanda 1926: A Short Story

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It was snowing steadily and growing bitterly cold as Amanda hurried home from school. There wasn't time to form a snowball in her mittened hand and start the goodnatured seasonal fight with her little brother because her mother had taken to her bed a few days ago as she grew debilitated from the struggle to take a breath. Maggie would need Amandas help at home as she cared for the family and Momma. The household grew since Amandas oldest sister along with her two children came to care for their mother and help out with the family when the doctor’s visits became daily. Maggie with Amandas help made sure Daddy and Pauls work clothes were done up and took turns spoon feeding momma sips of water or broth as she continued to get weaker. Amanda …show more content…

Tears freezing on her cheeks, she ran as fast as she could, her long hair flying in the bitter wind beneath the angry gray sky. Her ragged coat and hand me down shoes offered little protection as she ran, torn by desperation.
Finally reaching the doctors office she told him between exhausted breaths that her momma was very ill as she gave him the brown bottle.
Taking the bottle from Amanda’s small hand he began to fill the medicine, taking what seemed an enormous amount of time. As the silence lingered Amanda wanted to scream at him to hurry.
Eventually grasping the precious filled bottle she fled out the door.
The snow was blowing and had already covered the icy steps. She stumbled; trying to keep her balance was impossible, holding tightly to the medicine it was jerked from her hand with the force of her fall. Tumbling to the bottom she landed. The glass bottle rolled down the steps beside her and broke to bits.
She looked up through her tears to see the doctor watching her. Finding her voice, she called to him, “doctor, please!”
It was too late. He just jumped on his horse and rode away.
Lowering her gaze to the broken pieces, she saw the stain that covered the

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