Amanda Ard, freshman, is involved in the Red White Brigade band at Fort Osage High School. She plays the clarinet, and has been in band for four years. During her eighth grade school year, she got to participate in two festivals, one held at Blue Springs South and one held at Worlds of Fun. “It’s kind of nerve wracking because there are a lot of people and schools, and you don't get to see the judges, but I can shut them out. Being with the team and knowing we’ll do good helps,” says Ard. At these festivals, the scoring goes from a 5- to a 1+, with 1+ being the highest you can get. Each school plays 2-3 songs, and are scored based on different elements. The judges watch how each person participates, what songs they perform, and their presentation
Angela Ciera Barnes was born on June 1, 1998, in Salisbury, MD to Sarah Baines and Angelo Barnes. On March 7, 2017 Angela passed away surrounded by loved ones and friends.
Have you ever heard about the Kathryn Adam murder? Well if you haven't it’s okay because I will tell you about it right now. Kathryn adam was a young woman working for a company named L’eggs and she delivered boxes of stuff to different places. Some people say that she committed suicide and others say that she was murdered and taken somewhere that nobody knows. Her doughter was the one that reported her missing because she didn’t come home for two days. In the case of Kathryn Adam, know one really knows what happened to Kathryn on the night of April 23rd 1993, I know that when she went missing her L’eggs van was parked outside an abandoned restaurant.
Annie Easley was born on April 23, 1993, to Mary Melivina Hoover and Samuel Bird Easley. She had a brother, but with him being six years older than her, Easley was practically the only child raised by her single mother. In Birmingham, Alabama, Easley attended a parochial school all the way to graduation and was valedictorian of her graduating class.
Anna Christine is a 13 year-old singer from Henderson, Nevada. When she was 10 years-old, she competed on "America's Got Talent". She stated that she spends a lot of time playing the piano. She also stated that playing the piano is cathartic for her. Whenever she gets frustrated or upset, she goes to her piano.
Ministering the Father’s love, grace and forgiveness, John and Carol Arnott have seen the Holy Spirit move in signs and wonders that has resulted in worldwide revival. Millions of lives have been touched and changed through God’s power and Christ’s love.
Mary Ann Shadd Camberton Cary was a courageous, brave woman and phenomenal woman. She was a woman who wanted to plant a believe she had in the whole society. Also, while she thrived to achieve her dream she had many obstacles come by her way. As well, this woman was life threatened but she didn’t give up. Furthermore on, Mary Ann Shadd was a abolitionist, teacher, writer/publisher, a lawyer and a women’s suffrage right protester. Firstly, Mary Ann Shadd was a abolitionist since she was little. Additionally, her mother and father were abolitionist themself as her father even worked for a abolitionist newspaper. Secondly, Mary Ann Shadd had later on chose being a teacher as her career and she use to teach at all black schools in the United States
Erika is part of National Honors Society because of her outstanding achievements these past few years. She’s been able to show great, qualities, involvement and pride as a Streamwood High School student. Erika is an exemplary student and peer to many around her. She is respectful and responsible. Her pride is shown through events that she helped organize such as the “Teacher's Appreciation Week Entrance Welcoming” and her participation in the Streamwood High School Marching Band and Streamwood High School Pep Band. Though she believes that school spirit is very important she also knows that school is all about education and learning. This is why she is not only involved around the community ,but also maintains a 4.0 GPA and will never accept
Have you seen those weird music festival T-shirts that people wear and wonder what someone could possibly want to wear that for? While they’re sometimes meant to catch attention of people so they may want to look up the festival, it also serves as a reminder for many amazing memories for the two or three-day event. For a long time now music has changed people’s lives in many ways. It has brought people to fame and lifted many out of depressions. But, to those who haven’t experienced a festival, or even live music in general, you have been missing out an amazing social experience like no other. From the kings of festivals like Woodstock or Coachella to the lesser known ones like Rock on the Range (Hard rock/metal based) and Day for Night (variety) there are hundreds to pick from. One of my favorites is Carolina Rebellion which takes place right in this state.
As a Christian there are theses moments in life when you begin to question your faith, these moments of “am I really saved?” At five years old Melissa (Jackson) McCloud accepted Christ into her life as her Lord and Savior and was baptized by her father who is the Pastor of their church. The next twenty years Melissa would have theses uncertainty moments of whether or not she was truly a Christian or just going through the motions with her faith. Melissa felt like an outsider growing up with being homeschooled and then starting private school at Christian Heritage Academy. During her walk with God she first had this questioning of her faith when she was 17 years old and her brother in law died in a car wreck, she did not understand why God
However, none of the others compared to the passion behind DCMB’s performance. “It was really cool seeing some of my friends up there,” described TJ senior Alejandro Botello, “and I was so proud of them. I tried to distract them up a little bit, but I was super proud when they didn’t even flinch. We couldn’t have better musicians here.” Similarly, U’Ren had only positive things to say about the performance. “DCMB students represented Denver Public Schools very well,” he explained, adding that with recent budget cuts to educational program, it is often necessary to prove the skill of the band. At the Parade, this was exceptionally easy. “The only thing I think could have gone better would have been if all of the students could have been there both nights,” U’Ren
A serial killer is a person defined as a series of two or more murders, committed as separate events. “They are generally cunning, manipulative, and know the difference between right and wrong but dismiss it as applying to them” (Montaldo, n.d.) We are often captivated by what they have done and not in a positive way but the intriguing part as to “why”. In reality I stop to think what was happening to this person or within their minds that caused them to behave in such a way. It’s said that these acts are due to Abnormal Psychology gratification, this is the unusual patterns of behavior, emotion and thought. After thorough research Dr. Helen Morrison believes that it is due to a chromosome abnormality. Dr. Morrison believes that serial killers begin to start expressing these tendencies in their teen
I hope all is well with you. Amanda was absent due to illness Wednesday and Thursday. On both days I called informing that she was sick with a bad a stomach flu. However, on both days I received calls that she was not in school. Do I need to following up with anyone else in clearing her absences? I would like to make sure that the school knows that she was sick and not just missing classes.
This ensemble is comprised of an auditioned group of 7th and 8th graders who have had at least one complete year of musical instruction. In this ensemble, the students will be exposed to different styles of the American musical art form of jazz which would include but not be limited to: swing, bebop, ballads, Latin/Afro-Cuban, and Commercial (Rock). The big band will rehearse and perform pieces and arrangements of the preceding styles as well as work on introductory jazz improvisatory skills (language, chord relationships, scale relationships, etc.). Along with being within a big band setting, the students will have the opportunity to perform in combo settings to help refine their growing improvisation skills as well as nurture critical listening skills. The course will also be supplemented with lectures on the history and development of jazz and commercial music as well as listening sessions to place musical styles in appropriate contexts.
Ilene Kandy, developed a love for fitness early on. Born to a middle class family, in Savannah, GA, she knew from an early age that she wanted to be just like her father, a middle school PE instructor. Throughout her teen years, she enjoyed many successes both in long distance running and in gymnastics. Straight out of high school, Ilene decided to enlist and discovered a true love of weight training. It was only after returning to her home town, and giving birth to twin boys, that she began to realize the struggles of dealing with increased responsibilities and the wear and tear that pregnancy and child birth can place on a woman's body.
Sitting in a cramped football stadium with bands who vary across the state, the crowd becomes hushed as the band members watch their beloved field commanders and seniors lined across the field. Silence remains until a voice booms from the overhead speakers. Each band listens carefully for their name, along with their rating. Upon hearing the results, the students jump and yell with joy, or pout and believe they deserve better. Band competitions contain memories of the dubious ratings received, massive opportunities within the competition, and the long practices behind the performance.