
Amazon Controls America Essay

Decent Essays

In the last decade, Amazon has grown exponentially. Many people believe the seven hundred and thirty-nine billion dollar company controls America. The definition of a monopoly is “the exclusive possession or control of the supply or trade in a commodity or service.” If Amazon falls under the category of a monopoly, then Amazon would control America, therefore proving the company has too much power. If Amazon is not considered a monopoly, then this does not disprove the power of Amazon; It just means that the power that Amazon holds is legal. E-commerce has also become popular in today’s world, and Amazon dominates it. No one comes close to catching up with the company, as it will most likely always be owned by Amazon. The closest competitors Walmart, Ebay, and Apple combined do not even compete with the revenue that Amazon brings in through e-commerce. Amazon has destroyed more jobs in the United States than they have created. They also destroyed more jobs than China has in the United States, which is a problem. One company has a lot of control in creating or losing jobs to the U.S economy, and that is a scary …show more content…

Amazon does control the majority of e-commerce. However, Amazon prices stay low, enhancing the business. This explains the dominance in their online shopping. claims “The online retailer is so wildly popular with American consumers — 1 in 4 U.S. adults (63 million) are Amazon Prime members — precisely because of its low prices and (mostly) free shipping” (How stuff works, 2018.) A monopoly exists only if prices become outrageously high. Amazon has created the success of the business through low prices, the opposite of a monopoly. If Amazon started raising the prices unreasonably, then this would be an argument in favor of the company having a monopoly. As long as the business keeps the prices reasonably low, then it does not fall under the category of a

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