I would like to do my research project on the interactions between uncontacted Amazonian tribes and our modern societies. There are sanctions put in place to dictate how these people have to be contacted, if it is allowed at all, or the moral dilemma of should we contact them at all. It addresses cultural and environmental process discussed in class. If we do connect these isolated people are we contaminating their culture? Will we wipe them out unintentionally due to the spread of disease, or will their culture cease to exist if we introduce them to our modern technological world?
It could even be considered our responsibility as humans to protect these people. To see that they are kept safe from disease or deforestation that could jeopardize
Living on the Southern California coast affects the way the Gabrielino lived. An important fact is the Gabrielino tribe was located on Southern California coast, along the coast island in what is now known as the Los Angeles Basin, San Nicolas. The Islands of Santa Catalina and San Clemente. Southern California can boost of a Mediterranean climate. Also, the Gabrielino tribes’ community was peaceful. The Gabrielino had many contacts with the other groups. They traded goods. When several small villages were near a larger village, they joined under the leadership of the larger village. Next, the shelter of the Gabrielino. The Gabrielinos lived along the coast and inland in sheltered bays. Not that many houses were made to keep or hold 50 or 60 people maybe even 3 or 4 families. The houses were made by placing poles upright in a circle and bending them into meet the middle they covered the framework with bundles of tule reeds and ferns the were domed shaped. Finally, the Gabrielinos language
The Mohawk tribe was fierce. They were located in upstate New York to Southern Quebec and Eastern Ontario. The people of the Mohawk tribe lived in villages of longhouse, these were made out of wood as the frames with animals fur and elm tree’s bark. The would eat the fish and any animals they caught with their weapons including bow and arrows, knives, and clubs, also they ate a lot of corn, beans, and squash, that's what they grew. The leader of tribes name is Thayendangea also known as Joseph Brant, he made the rules. The Mohawk’s had to fight their neighboring tribes for their dominance of the beaver fur trade, and they won. They did not really have a good relationship with other tribes. Overall the Mohawk tribe was warlike, they
The Makah tribe is a very interesting tribe. They hunted, farmed, and enjoyed life! Even though a lot of times they didn’t want to work they did for their people in their tribe.
There are seven Native American reservations in the State of Montana. The Blackfeet Nation is one of these seven. The Blackfeet Indian Reservation is in the northwest part of Montana along the eastern slopes of the Rocky Mountains and south of the Canadian border. The reservation is home to the Blackfeet Tribe. Of the approximately 15,560 enrolled tribal members, there are about 7,000 living on or near the reservation. Nearly 27 percent of enrolled members are of three-fourths or greater Indian blood. There are three branches of the Blackfeet peoples: the Northern Blackfeet (Siksika), the Blood and the Piegan or Pikuni. The tribe call themselves "Niitsitapi" (nee-itsee-TAH-peh) meaning "the real people."
The Lakota tribe, also known as the Teton Sioux, is the largest tribe among the seven major Sioux tribes on the Great Plains in North America. After the introduction with the horse after the seventeenth century, the Lakota devision emerged. They quickly expanded west to Rocky Mountain and north to the Great Plains. The Lakota people speaks Lakota language, one of the three languages that belong to the larger Siouan language family.
The BlackFoot Indians make traditional costumes to trade for other goods and services. Mostly woman make them because the boys mostly hunt and the girls make clothes or decorate clothes. Another type of culture is the blackfoot tribe is made up of three sub tribes. These tribes are Siksika, Kainah, and Piegan. Their last culture is believing in mother nature. This isn’t a sunday thing they pray almost everyday. One thing they pray for is the “Sun
Although the Nacirema tribe has very unique methods and focus on the human body and appearence, they are similar to our society. I feel like this tribe's beliefs are particularly similar to ours because they try to achieve "beauty" just like we try to be "prettier" or "perfect". The Nacirema can be described as a weird/unique tribe because they use torture to achieve their beliefs. One thing that striked me as particularly odd was the "mouth-rite" and "latispo" rituals because the people knew that they might die if they went through them and they still do it. They do this because they want to fit in and it is also something that has been tought all their lives. In a way, we also go through a type of torture when we decide on changing the way
The Kickapoo Tribe of Oklahoma is a huge part of Oklahoma’s history. The name Kickapoo comes from “Kiwegapawa,” which is an Algonquin word meaning “he stands out” or “he stands about”. Known to be fiercely independent is the Kickapoo Tribe. The lifestyle of a Kickapoo often changed due to the various amounts of migration. The tribe was continuously traveling more south and more west. The Kickapoo Tribe of Oklahoma has created history from a long route to Oklahoma to where the tribe is currently.
People are climbing on the Lakota tribe’s sacred tower. Devils Tower is in the Black Hills in Wyoming and is the first National Monument in the U.S. (Leonard). It rises 1,267 feet above the surrounding and is 5,114 feet above sea level (Devils Tower National Monument). Despite its significance to the Native Americans, particularly the Lakota tribe, many people visit this National Monument. Some visitors also climb the Tower. The Lakota tribe members have been living in the Black Hills for many years and perform many ceremonies at the Tower. Like many sacred places in Native American tribes, they have a myth about how the Tower came to be. According to James LaPointe, three girls wandered off while they were marching along the Black Hills to gather fruits. Hungry bears chased the girls when something said “Paha akili,” and the ground began to rise. The girls were saved as the ground grew to be the Tower and the
The “Blackfoot” or “Blackfeet” tribe is a Native American tribe that is located in the Great Plains. The differentiation between “Blackfeet” or “Blackfoot” is depending on your culture and where you’re at in the world. Most normally, Americans refer to them as the Blackfeet; while Canadians refer to the tribe as Blackfoot. The Native American tribe has believe the name “Blackfeet” to be offensive, therefore the proper pronunciation is Blackfoot.
One of the activities that the Shawnee tribe does is trapping animals, the men of the tribe complete this activity. They do this because they rely on the environment around them to survive, they trap to get food for the tribe. The women oversee making clothing out of the trapped animals fur, the type of clothing the women make depends on the season. The men would wear deerskin loincloth, the women would wear a skin apron in the summer. They also make moccasins out of the animal’s fur and decorate them with bead and feathers. During the winter they would make heavier clothing items to keep warm.
If people did not know already, money is said to be the root of all evil. Nothing solidifies this biblical quote quite like what transpired to the Osage Tribe. While the FBI argued that the United States government officials worked to benefit the Native American tribe, it is my research that contradicts this by saying that the Osage Tribe were the targets of multiple conspiracies to steal and kill and the FBI was a part of it, taking into consideration 1) they sent people to “oversee” the Osage tribe money unnecessarily; 2) they knew about the suspicious killings happening to the tribe upon receiving their money, but neglected to intervene in time; and 3) they planned all of the Osage tribe’s misfortunes in the attempts to eradicate the bad
Humans across all cultures try to explain why they came to be as well as where they came from, and from these explanations become stories. These stories all begin as oral traditions, they change generation to generation and at some point, they are written down or not. Native American genesis stories are often not written down as they are viewed as detracting from the story, they are meant to be oral stories and once written down they cease to be "alive". The Cherokee tribe has a very interesting origin story, that can lead to some interesting possibilities of where this story could have stemmed from. The Cherokee genesis story originates from an early group of humans crossing the Bering Strait and leaving an impact on their ancestor's memories
The Shawnee Tribe, since first encountering Europeans in 1677, the group has encountered issues, such as population decrease. But as of twenty-first century, the tribe has regained a following. For the most part, the Shawnee have abandoned their nomadic roots. They have taken on modern tasks, realizing that they would need to keep up with the times in order to survive. Currently occupying regions of Oklahoma and Missouri, the tribe has split into three large groups, the Absentee Shawnee, Eastern Shawnee, and Loyal Shawnee. Together, the three groups have around 8,000 members in total. The customs and traditions of the Shawnee have for the most part, been abandoned by its people. However, the Absentee shows a strong connection with their culture.
Though obvious to the name, the American Indian Tribes had much to do with the growth of what we now know of as the US. Long ago when the english settlers came over with Columbus, on the Nina, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria, they had found that there were people living there, were very different from “the white man”. But the American Indians have been located throughout the states from the very beginning and are still thriving, in some cases. One of the more commonly known, American Indian Tribes is the Cherokee tribe.(WKU Meteorology; Dr. Greg Goodrich)