
Amazon : Wrestling Big Ideas

Satisfactory Essays

Amazon is a well-known commerce company in the world. And almost every single person shop on Amazon with their computer, tablets, or smartphones. How can this leading commerce have a big success? It is definitely the workers at Amazon that work so hard so that the customers can get their items and be satisfied. Customers don 't know about Amazon workplace are violating the dignity of its employee’s unethical way. Authors Jodi Kantor and David Strietfeld of New York Times, " Inside Amazon: Wrestling Big Ideas in a Bruising Workplace." Writes about former or current employees on how Amazon helps the workers to reach their greatest potential to be successful, employees having to give up on certain things, and the unfair treatment of employees in Amazon. Amazon expects their employees to have success in their jobs than in their lives. New Amazon workers were required to go forget the old habits they had learned from their previous jobs and if they were to “hit the wall” at an unrelenting movement, then the only way out is to "climb the wall "(Kantor and Strietfeld). This refers to on employees who stills have the habit of working at an unrelenting pace and applies to the Amazon company. Then the employees will struggle with being successful and will struggle to "climb the wall", and have to whatever it takes to be successful. When working for Amazon, it means that the workers need to have the ambition in order become top of others. An example of Dina Vaccari, she mentions that

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