
America In The World Chapter 1 Summary

Decent Essays

The theme in chapters 19b and 21 is America in the World. The theme focuses on the influence of the United States on world affairs and how their foreign policies and military actions have affected the rest of the world.
It is shown in Roosevelt’s Corollary because the corollary announces that the United States has the right to intervene in foreign nations if the U.S sees that the country can not maintain order and national sovereignty on their own. It was used in the Dominican Republic, when the U.S saw that it couldn’t maintain order with their crippling debt, so America intervened and assumed control of their revenues. The Roosevelt Corollary was an addition to the Monroe Doctrine. The Monroe Doctrine that was proclaimed in 1823 announces American dominance in the western hemisphere. The U.S stated that there should be no further european colonies in the western hemisphere.
The theme is also shown in the event of the torpedoing of the Lusitania. In World War 1 the Germans resulted to unrestricted submarine warfare to prevent trade with their enemy Great Britain. The Lusitania containing American citizens and weapons was …show more content…

The telegram was intended for Mexico from Germany but it was intercepted by Britain. The telegram said in the case of war between Germany and the U.S, Mexico should ally with Germany and Germany will help Mexico regain all their lost territory in America. This event made the public angrier and the sentiment for war grew. During the Quasi War with France, the U.S went to negotiate with France but they were greeted by 3 agents instead (aka the XYZ) and demanded a bribe before they could see the French minister. When the news returned to the U.S and was released to the public, Americans were outraged and wanted to declare war with France even though they were already technically in war with them. In both situations the U.S found themselves in an undeclared war with other

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