Many explored America like Amerigo Vespucci, Jacques Cartier, and Henry Hudson because they helped found America, these voyagers cultured America with all of the places they have come from with languages, cultures that are important to them, and they also have foods and spices that they brought with them on their journeys to
Rationale: Anyone who has studied history of the Americas’ knows that it was founded by Christopher Columbus in 1492 however, he could not have explored the whole continent by himself. Who are the other Spanish explores and what are they famous for?
Christopher Columbus made four voyages and is known for discovering America when he was seeking a westward route to India. Columbus was also a remarkable navigator and gutsy sailor, navigating by the stars to sail across the uncharted sea as no other was known to have done. Charles Lindbergh also has a well known reputation.
2. Columbus discoveries proved that it was possible for the European people to go to America to do business or have trade
Since they were assisted with better maps and navigation, more traveling took place. Along with these innovated maps, their new ways of science aided in the modernization of compasses. With these new breakthroughs, they can perform more things that they were not able to previously. The Europeans decided to explore the Americas because they wanted gain more religious freedom, achieve a developed community, and better trading opportunities.
How did their journey help Europe the understand the known world “new world”?- Henry Hudson helped to discover new sea routes, short cuts and new ‘islands’. Recording his findings dates and lengths of his journeys in his journal not only did this help to let people know about the new “cool stuff” out there, but it also helped to expand the knowledge around the voyages themselves. His journeys helped to widen the field to new and interesting findings for example, Gold, spies and new materials that would be found and bought back on ships. Henry Hudson also helped to expand on the compass when he was travelling through the Northern Passage, he also allowed people to
Hernando de Soto was a Spanish explorer and conquistador who led the first European expedition deep into the territory of the modern-day United States. He is the first European documented as having crossed the Mississippi River. Wikipedia
a) Vasco Nunez Balboa declared he’d claim all the land the Pacific Ocean touches for the king. b) Ferdinand Magellan went around the South American tip trough a strait, which is now named after him, with five ships. c) The Spaniards went to North America in search of gold. (1) Juan Ponce de Leon explored Florida in hopes to find gold and maybe also the “fountain of youth.” (2) Francisco Coronado tried to find the golden cities but just explored through Arizona, New Mexico, and Kansas, finding the Grand Canyon and bison.
Christopher Columbus is known for his discovery of the United States of America. His discovery changes a lot of things for many explorers. In A People's History of the United States, written by Howard Zinn, Zinn describes Columbus as a man who
Europeans such as, Amerigo Vespucci, Jacques Cartier, and Henry Hudson, not only helped found America, but these voyagers cultured America with their languages, their technologies that are already in their own countries, and foods and spices. Amerigo Vespucci traveled from Spain, he traveled with supplies to find new trade routes that made water ways around America. Jacques Cartier traveled from France, he was looking for a couple main reasons like gold, silver, copper and spices, but not trying to hurt the land or native people in the process like other explorers. Henry Hudson sailed for England, he was looking for new information on the North American water routes and trading between different countries. These explorers aren’t the only
The Pilgrims were the england men and women that sailed to North America. They also were the people that helped establish North America.
Many different explorers wanted to capture and take control of the land they didn’t own. They knew that the task was not one that would be easy. Lots of different explorers faced the task of removing the Natives as well as the other Countries fighting for the land. The settlers soon began to realize the opportunities they had in front of them. Explorers from Spain, England, Russia, and the new United States, looked with interest toward the Northwest. A major goal of the explorers was to discover the so-called "Northwest Passage" to the Pacific Ocean.
Captain Meriwether Lewis and William Clark put their lives on the line only to return with information regarding the Pacific Northwest of the United States territory. Their reasons behind this journey, being to expand the United States to the West, involved the entire nation but debatably, their accomplishments and the reaction of others became a major part of today’s history.
Spain, France, The Netherlands, Europe, Denmark, Portugal, Sweden, and England all went on explorations. Spain sent Juan Ponce De Leon to Florida to find the Fountain of Youth. He did not find it, as it is not a true object. In England, John Cabot, John Davis, and Henry VII went on explorations. They did not explore very much, as they mostly traded with Europe and their findings. For France, Giovanni Da Verrazano went to explore America, along with the Netherlands. The Netherlands followed after Henry Hudson and his journey with the Dutch East India Company. The Portuguese had Bartolomeu Dias go to Africa to find Prester John, so they could fight the
In the world, the age saw many explorers in search of a faster trade route to China, which led to the discovery of North America.
Christopher Columbus created awareness of new opportunity and freedoms when he brought the Americas into world view. This opportunity attracted colonists