Sixteen year old America Singer lives in the caste-divided nation of Illéa, which form after WWIII. While it is many girls dream to be Selected, it a nightmare for America Singer. When America Singer gets the invitation to register for the Selection, a contest to see which can win the heart of Illéaś future Prince, she dismisses it entirely. Even when her name is called, she thinks she will just be dismissed, since other women will surely have a greater desire and greater talents to become the new princess, than her. But she agreed to join the Selection for the sake of her family and a way to escaped from her boyfriend who ended the relationship. America now lives her new life in the castle and will she prepared to fight along thirty-five other
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Hard headed 17 year old, America singer is the main character in the book “The Selection” by Kiera Cass. Throughout the book you discover all different kinds of traits that she has and how much she uses them.
America considers dropping out of The Selection because she doesn't feel like she will be a good Princess. She feels this way because she read a magazine while she was in the palace and it said how America Singer would be a terrible princess and that the country of Illea thinks it as well. After she read this she was considering
Go ahead and think of a person who a lot of people look up to and would consider to be a “legend”. Now think of all the people you can think of that you would consider legendary. I would have to bet that all of them have something in common, they were courageous people. Whatever it is they did, it wasn’t from making excuses and being scared. All the people who I can think of did some frickin work and didn’t think twice before they did something really awesome. I am going to prove to you that it takes courage to be successful.
Many people use first impressions as a base point to build their opinion of a person. For America Singer that is not the case. In The Selection written by Kiera Cass, thirty-five girls compete to win the heart of Illéa's beloved Prince Maxon Schreave. America Singer who is a five (in the caste system) has a short temper and a fiery attitude almost as fiery as her red hair. America has an undercover relationship with Aspen Leger, who is a six. Aspen forces America into The Selection and breaks up with her leaving her heart completely shattered. After the break-up America leaves to go to The Selection. Prince Maxon was there to pick up the pieces of America's broken heart. All is well until Aspen becomes a palace guard and then America needs to make a decision about who will win her heart in the end and who she will select. Through America, Kiera Cass displays what you may hear about a person and first impressions don’t always reflect a person's true personality.
One young lady is picked through a lottery from every state to battle for the prince and the queen’s throne. America Singer, a Five, has no enthusiasm to join the Selection as she loves Aspen Segler, a Six. Be that as it may, because of the hardships America's family is confronting, her family and Aspen pressurize her to join the Selection, or at give her in the lottery. America is picked during the lottery, entirely unsurprising. She is crushed as she never believed that out of a huge number of candidates she would be chosen. Her selection from the lottery implied leaving Aspen, her family and battling with other thirty-four girls for a crown and a position she never intended to accomplish.
The 70’s were a strange time for music. Disco was topping the charts. Progressive Rock was proving that rock could be intelligent. Punk was blasting in almost every rebellious teenager’s ears. While all of this was happening, a select few bands were innovating music as we know it. This genre was electronic music, and the top innovators were none other than Tangerine Dream.
In a country like the United States, a person is surrounded by choices. Choices he or she can make themselves. They can choose what to say, what to wear, and who to love. In a world like Anthem all of your choice and freedom is taken away. Everything you wish to do, you may not be able to. You never know who your parents are or who your real family is. You are born thinking government control is the best policy and best way. You can get killed and punished for something you think is right. You are raised thinking what is bad is the correct way. A world like Anthem, is a world many hope never actually becomes a reality.
For many years, putting the American flag on bathing suits, bandannas, covers, phone cases, and sometimes on shirts with inappropriate designs are not represented as disrespecting the flag, but taking a simple knee is. John Stafford Smith wrote the national anthem at the end of the national anthem and throughout the web say’s that a person must be quit and stand with their right hand across their chest. In the NFL rule book does not state nothing about the national anthem( Fitzapatrick). Kneeling during the national anthem has created a big dispute between fans, reporters, and even the President of the United States. Should a man be penalizing for peacefully protesting what people thinks disrespect the veterans.
The Selection, the award-winning book by Kiera Cass, takes place in a caste system and the main character America Singer is smack dab in the middle. Her parents are performers and by birth she is too, unless she marries someone in a higher social category. Unlike our society, she isn’t idolized like Beyoncé. She is more so the birthday party entertainer. The arduous life she has now, may soon change with her recent opportunity. Although, America Singer is offered a life changing opportunity; she immediately denies the offer to compete for the heart of Prince Maxon. In the competition, she will be able to escape the life she was born into and be immersed into a world of glittering gowns and priceless jewels. But, she is not only comfortable in her current social state but, she is in love with someone in a lower class. Like America said,
The lead singer of Bon Jovi, Jon Bon Jovi, said “Map out your future - but do it in pencil. The road ahead is as long as you make it. Make it worth the trip”. This quote is important because it shows that when he was a kid, he had a dream about making a band and becoming famous. He had his future mapped out. As he went on with his life, and the band, he had to “re-write” and make minor changes his future to become the person he dreamed of being and have the band he wanted. Bon Jovi should be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame because they were a worldwide hit and sold over 100 million records in several different countries, influenced many famous singers, and they were massively successful and would be a huge hit at the induction
Everyone has their rights, and reasons as to why they feel they should not stand for America’s national anthem. Whether it be to protest police brutality, or perceived racial injustice, (and I use the word ‘perceived’ as there is a possibility that there are some African-Americans who may not feel the same way). There can be numerous reasons as to why, but that does not mean everyone agrees, and they have their right to not agree.
We spend every waking hour having to be conscious of our race and skin. We spend every waking hour fighting the demons of racism and the visibility of our life. We are tired. We cannot do all the work for you, that is a way in which your privilege is present. For most, if not all, of the black and POC community we have not had help and have had to claw our way to just get to knowledgeable resources so that when can then try climb to a good place. White folks are helped ALL (if not, a vast majority more of the time), and aren't necessarily used to doing social research like this on your own, but like riding a bike, we need to let go and y’all need to do it yourselves.
Celebrities, o celebrities. They seem to look gorgeous 24 hours out of the day, 7 days a week. Many of us believe that they wake up looking amazing day in and day out, but truth is they are just like the rest of us. Question is though, unlike us, how do they manage to look impeccable every day of their lives? We have the answer, celebrity beauty secrets here to the rescue.
When people say "music saved my life," they are saying they found themselves once to be weak and eventually found strength through music. You can find yourself alone in the life you live but when you listen to music you realize you'll never be alone. I believe music gives people a sense of hope that they don't have to feel like they're the only one's going through things. Music can express more than words and it gives people a constant when their world seems to be chaotic. It's something some people need in their life and to be who they are and go on day by day.