
America 's Child Poverty Levels

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America 's child poverty levels are considered worst than any developed country in the world. Children in European nations, Japan, Canada, New Zealand and Australia fare better than U.S. According to Coplan (2015), officially, 14.5% of Americans are impoverished which means 45.3 million people based on the latest US Census data. Thus, U.S. Rank 36th out of 162 countries. Now America 's poor are more often in their prime working years, or in households headed by single mothers.

Reducing the risk of fetal mortality, infant mortality, and stillbirth, is the goal of Healthy People 2020. Recommending the following to have a healthy pregnancy such as having a healthy weight, not to use illegal drugs, getting vaccinated, taking prenatal and or during pregnancy vitamins, managing any chronic conditions prior of having a baby, having recommended screening test and controlling diabetes.

Birth defects, also known as congenital anomalies, is the second leading cause of death for infant accounted for 20.9 percent of all infant deaths in U.S in 2011 (U.S. Dept, 2016).

A birth defect is preventable if the mother would take folic acid prior of becoming pregnant (U.S. Department of Health and Services, 2016). These reduce the chances of having a defect by 50-70% for neural tube defects. Some recommendations such as having a healthy weight, not to use illegal drugs, getting vaccinated, taking prenatal and or during pregnancy vitamins, having recommended screening test, controlling

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