
American Air Flight 11 Essay

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Fourteen years has passed since that fateful attack on the United States where multiple terrorist commandeered commercial aircrafts and crashed them into the World Trade Center buildings and the Pentagon. Mohammed Atta and his accomplices hijacked American Airlines Flight 11, crashing the aircraft into the North Tower whilst a few minutes later, their associate, Marwan al Shehhi and other accomplices crashed United Airlines Flight 175 into the South Tower. Both of these individuals obtained and received their pilot’s licenses at Huffman Aviation in Florida by training on large jet flight simulators. A fellow terrorist, Ziad Jarrah, who crashed United Airlines Flight 93 before his intended target, believed to be The White House, also acquired his pilot training at Florida. However, Hani Hanjour, the terrorist who commandeered American Airlines Flight 77 and crashed into the Pentagon, obtained his licenses at Arizona …show more content…

Although these individuals trained and acquired their licenses and certificates at general aviation flight school within the United States, the use of these aircraft as weapons of mass destruction showed that there was a massive gap in our nation’s National security. The reason for this is the fact that all these individuals were from foreign countries and they were able to get their pilot licenses meant that there was a weak United States general aviation security program, especially when they trained pilots from foreign countries. Since those event that unfold that tragic day of September 11th, major enhancements and changes has taken place towards commercial aviation, on the contrary, general aviation training has not been given this attention. This further increases the risk for terrorist groups to use general aviation aircrafts as terrorist

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