Humans think the bears are attractive in many way. First, I think they are attractive to humans
because they are ‘rare’. In the world, there is just 8 species are left, and it is even hard to have a
chance to look at it. So I think this reason made people’s curiosity more bigger and later the
thinking turns to attractive because they will gradually think the bear is really special because it
is hard to see. Second reason is ‘cute’. Different from its personality and weapon that included
in body it has cute appearance. So people are feeling appeal from it.
Write a speech persuading students at your school to help raise funds for the spectacled
Spectacled bear, also known as the Andean bear; has bands of colour around the eyes,
The Grizzly Bear is one of nature’s last keystone species that is contributing to the Western United states and Southwestern Canada. The Grizzly Bear is thought of as a vicious beast who kills people without intent. Grizzly Bears are actually important to the environment and ecosystem that they live in. This Bear is an intelligent animal, which serves a role of preserving a plant’s way of life. It creates soil disturbance which causes more nitrogen to be produced to generate more nutrients for plants.
The bear have evolved along time ago and now there is only eight species existing. They evolved from early canids during the late Oligocene and early Miocene, about 25 million years ago. The earliest ancestors where the Dormaalocyon Latouri. An intermediate ancestor was the short faced bear, very similar to the modern day bear. It lived through the pleistocene period. It grew to thirteen feet long and was a herbivore. The ancestors to the modern day bears lived in the same climate and ate the same things. The modern bear contrast from the ancestor because the ancestor was more skinny and was smaller, and it was more cat like. The eight species of bear that still exist. They are the Polar bear, Brown bear, American black bear, Asian
To persuade the members of my audience in becoming a Partner in Hope by donating/volunteering to St. Jude Children’s Hospital.
A few of these remaining species are extremely close to extinction and if we don’t do something soon we may very well lose them good. They’re becoming extinct from the destruction of their natural habitat.
Grizzly bears are one of the biggest mammals living in North America, Canada, and Alaska. Grizzly bears are also known as Ursus Arctos Horribilis that’s their scientific name. They are often a dark brown and have long guard hairs on their backs that have white tips and that’s what gives the bear a grizzled look and what gives it the name Grizzly bear. Grizzly bears are also good diggers they have claws that are 2 to 4 inches long and a distinctive hump on the Back that helps them dig.
When most people hear the word black bear, they think about the cute little cubs, running around and playing with each other, and not what makes them such intriguing animals, considering they are only found in North America, and are the smallest of the bear family.
Grizzly Bears have a hump on their shoulders and a concave face. Their claws are 2-4 inches long, both their claws and humps are traits related to their great digging ability. (Basic Facts about Grizzly Bears) Grizzly Bear’s can be a variety of colors, from black to a very
In terms of the grizzly bear, its behavior is complex, but should never be mistaken as mimicking human behavior. Craighead, Sumner, and Mitchell (1995) note that in Yellowstone National Park, a prime laboratory for studying human-grizzly interactions, the relationship has been uneasy at best. They note that bears have a concept of “personal space” and that “a seemingly placid animal (male or female) can become awesomely aggressive and attack instantaneously.” (Craighead et al.149-150). Treadwell, as many Yellowstone visitors do, made the mistake that just because the bears were tolerating his presence at one time meant that they had made up their minds about him and would leave him alone. This was an error of anthropomorphism, as the bears were clearly not perceiving him the way another human would, i.e., as friend or foe; their lack of reaction to him didn’t mean that they saw him as a friend. This was a fairly stupid assumption for Treadwell to have made, particularly given his professed knowledge of and fascination with the bears.
The Grizzly Bear, or Ursus arctos horribilus, is the second largest land based carnivore in all of North America. It has a life expectancy of twenty years, and the average male Grizzly Bear can reach an astounding three hundred fifty kilograms. While there are many bears that have the same brown coloring as the Grizzly, these are easily spotted due to their anatomy. The Grizzly Bear has a large hump or protrusion on its back, near the area of the shoulder blades. This mass of tissue and muscle helps to support the enormous front legs of the bear. Other distinctive characteristics of the Grizzly Bear include a concave snout, extremely long claws, and poor eyesight. Though dark brown is the most commonly viewed fur color, the Grizzly can be any shade from ivory to nearly black.
+ Raccoons have weak eyesight and are color blind they rely mainly on their keen sense of smell.
Panda Bears are adorable. They are very resourceful and family-oriented. This is part of the reason I love them, and am do a report over them. They make me all warm and cuddly inside. Panda’s are most widely known for their black and white coat of fur. I find this their cutest feature. It’s going to be a “Pandemonium” of time.
Bluebeard, a fairytale by Perrault, is about an affluent man who is known and revered on account of his despicable blue beard. Even though he has had several wives, their whereabouts are a source of mystery. As such, Bluebeard purposes to persuade one of his neighbor’s daughters to take his hand in marriage. Eventually, his efforts pay off and he ends up tying the knot with one of his neighbor`s daughters. After some time has passed in their marital union, Bluebeard announces to his wife that he must set off on an important journey. Before commencing on his journey, he gives the castle`s keys to his wife and the liberty of having access to all the rooms apart from a single room.
As an undergraduate at Indiana University, I plan to earn a bachelor’s degree in nursing. Ever since my family and I came to the United States as refugees fleeing Burma due to persecution, I have always wanted to have a better life. I’ve always seen that education was the only way to my freedom. I started my education as early as third grade and the road I took wasn’t the easiest. I’ve struggled through the years in English especially with comprehension and vocabulary.
Jones, W., Hansson, R., & Phillips, A. (1978). Physical attractiveness and judgments of psychopathology. The Journal of Social Psychology, 105, 79-84.
Hi Gabriel, I'm Mizzy. Thank you for sharing that episode of "Futurama", I have heard of this show and seen a few episodes, but like you've explained some of the episodes are a bit much with all the vulgar language inappropriate actions and subject and the manner they present it. I myself is not a fan, as sometimes I find it to be just not funny, cruel and to be frank in some cases just plain stupid. I did not see this episode, but having read your breakdown of the episode I have to say it was a bit surprised that they did not give Leela a harder time about lying and stealing someone else work, just because of what I know about the show they tend to feed off each other's shortcomings. I guess in some part this episode has a moral when Leela