There are numerous specific customs, traditions, beliefs, cultures, and heritages. The United States is an extremely diverse country and has a bunch of these different ways of life. We need to be able to understand and respect the particular beliefs of people.
In America, there are an abundance of various heritages and beliefs. We all come from diverse backgrounds. Learning and experiencing these dissimilar cultures could benefit us by further being able to understand the people around us. If people expanded their knowledge about other customs we could understand why people do specific traditions or have certain beliefs. With this intention, to build comprehension about these traditions and faiths, we could learn furthermore about the history
Today, as Americans, we are surrounded by an increasing number of very different cultures, and along with that we are surrounded by numerous
American culture is a nontraditional and individualism culture. Americans are open to new principles, ideas, and practices. Many Americans are also more concerned about themselves and their immediate family and friends. Music and television exhibit aspects of both the nontraditional and individualism culture. The focus of American culture is technology, consumers, capitalism, sports, and politics. Almost everything in America revolves around technology, such as cell phones, computers, TV, social media, video games, etc. Money seems to play a major role. Wealth is an achievement everyone wants to have, living the American dream is getting rich. Advertisements constantly convince consumers to buy products (even products they don’t necessarily
Eastman, Roger (1999). The Ways of Religion An Introduction to the Major Traditions, 3rd edition. New York, Oxford University Press. Print
different values and opinions than our culture does, we need to respect other cultures because
There were several distinct cultures that existed within the United States of America during the 18th century, particularly in the early part of this century (No author, 2010). Despite the fact that European colonialists had been attracted to this land in earnest since the 17th century, there were still many tribes of the region's native inhabitants, Native American Indians, that still populated the country. Of the many cultural differences that existed between these two population groups Europeans and Native Americans the most salient was the regard that each culture had for land and its inherent value. This difference proved so influential because it was one of the contributing factors that eventually led to the displace and eventual demise of the Native American population.
1. How can an understanding of the complexities of culture help us make sense of the day-to-day world which we live? Give an example from your life to illustrate your answer.
It is important to understand our diversity in America because not everyone here believes or lives with the same standards. What may seem acceptable in one location, may be considered rude or offensive in another. It is also beneficial to be more knowledgeable of other people’s culture and how they interact among each other to create healthy relationships with new people. Learning about another person’s situation can also help you understand them and think less negative about others due to stereotypes. As humans we thrive when we come together, you will find that we have more in common than we do have of
Americans have always held a close connection and fascination with the American Founding Fathers who se the foundation for American values. Their work is idealized for being the beginning of what is considered “American”. These founding principles of American culture, ideology, and society have become glorified in modern American culture. A rise in political scandal and a shift in cultural values that is affection legislation has called into question whether America is still following her founding principles. The fault of this question stems from the value each citizen places in American ideals and the manipulation of how American history is preserved.
The shaping of any culture requires adaptation to their environment and its problems, such as economical, social and geographical, and the learning from these in order for their culture to live by and survive. The Christian Church would prove the most important in shaping a new European religious civilization. In as much as Buddhism, Hinduism and Islam undergirded civilizations in Asia and Africa, Christianity served as the basic unifying force that held together the new European civilization. (Sivers 2015) This process entails having the ability of shaping ones behavior in order to survive and have this same behavior passed onto the following generations.
Fortunately, embracing other people’s ways improves our knowledge of their uncommon cultures. The United States is an enormously diverse society.
Contemporary American culture is defined as common themes of political attitudes, religious beliefs and news events that lead trends during the present time. Today, we see contemporary American culture portrayed in many more ways than that. We see it through art, music, and literature. In literature, for example, The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas by Ursula Le Guin, contemporary American culture is portrayed throughout. The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas represents contemporary American culture by portraying the exploitation of others, the symbolism of Americas political systems and oppression of the lower classes, and the lacking of moral responsibility.
In our society today, culture is not what it used to be hundreds of years ago. There is no more “pure” culture. Our culture today is enriched with many different traditions and customs that are being shared and adopted. Due to emigration and immigration, a variety of diverse customs, beliefs, and knowledge moved with every exiting and entering human being. Thus, changing and shaping the culture of many. Throughout the world, the beliefs and religious views of culture are dissimilar around the world. By taking the time to read, listen and learn about certain people’s culture, there will be knowledge and understanding that will be gained.
Additionally, those who study other faiths receive an understanding of other people. Those with an
Of course, culture has a huge role in how we are brought up. This falls into the nature vs nurture idea that we discussed in previous weeks. I'm completely aware that this is something that has developed in our culture and others similar to it. Although, we can still see some division within our own country. Say you go to the southern United States, the people there aren't going to take as kindly to a woman doing, say a construction job, or any other job that is primary done by men, but if you go to say New York or California there may still be some division, but I don't feel it would be as harsh. The same goes for the entire gay marriage movement, I'd imagine the southern states wouldn't take as kindly to it as they would in some of the more
American culture refers to the traditions and practices of the people of the United States. Culture comprises of the nature of buildings, religion, music language and marriage. The population of the United States is more than 320 million people making it the most culturally diverse country in the globe. Books such as Crabgrass Frontier, Manifest Destination and Muscular Christianity are important sources of information about American culture. This paper is a reflection on the methods that these books use in providing information about the evolution of the US culture. The paper examines the relationship between these three sources and ways they challenge or inform an understanding of the American society during the late 19th and early 20th century. There is an analysis of the efficiency of the issues tackled by these books in influencing the contemporary discourse surrounding American culture. The major argument of this paper is that Crabgrass Frontier, Manifest Destination and Muscular Christianity provide reliable information about the evolution of the US culture and they supplement each other through the use of relevant examples.