
American Democracy Promotion Essay

Decent Essays

The American government, often stereotyped as a guild of pencil pushers accomplishing nothing on Capitol Hill, is not well known for compromise. The government’s inability to cohesively interact harms the nation’s means of performing quintessential duties. American society clings to the belief that governmental institutions are of significance, thus phenomenons such as partisanship and resulting government shutdowns cause frustrations among citizens. This perpetuated lack of legislative progress results in catastrophic consequences, from poor international relations to restrictive domestic rights. This separation leads to domestic and international issues, which is prominently exemplified in America’s diluted stance on democracy promotion. …show more content…

Since the French Revolution, America has been actively pursuing promotion of democracy on a global scale. The desire to build inclusive political processes globally by America has an underlying motive of economic gain, veiled by the promotion of general liberties and civil rights. Democratic nations are more likely to honor international treaties, participate in global economic interactions, uphold the right to civil liberties, and less likely to engage in conflict. However, due to conflicting platforms of major parties and integral political leaders and representatives, the implementation of plans to promote democracy are consistently vetoed or are weak in practice. This fault of democracy promotion can be significantly attributed to divided government.
American attempts at democracy promotion have yielded minimal results. It is seemingly infeasible that a plan of action that accomplishes the promotion of a moral standard and increased quality of life the United States feels morally obligated to provide to oppressed global citizens, but also integrates the desired economic benefits as well can be implemented. This being primarily due to Democratic and Republican opposition and executive versus legislative

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