Sometimes, things feel as if they just will not change, and it is like life is a swirling, monotonous pit you cannot get out of. Depression is a serious issue, and in recent years, rates of depression have skyrocketed in Americans. There are many potential factors the could be the reason for this. It could simply be higher self-awareness within humans as a whole, or it could also be the social pressure of the current day and time. Many may even say that the internet has caused us to experience isolation that has in turn caused a development of depression. However, it is crystal clear that depression has been diagnosed at increasing rates, and links to this are found to be underlying in social pressures and expectations, less stigma surrounding …show more content…
The environment we are put in has many expectations for how we act and what we say, and this box that we are put into the perimeter of, that many even believe everyone needs to be kept within. This can cause a huge amount of stress upon people who are outside of these supposed perimeters. This stress can lead to depression, and that displays a huge negative aspect of the expected social structure. For example, the expected "housewife" archetype stresses women ridiculously, pushing them to get married, have kids, and stay at home, but this confines many people. This sheer state of uniform expectation can depress anyone who is want to fit into this cookie-cutter form, but have the desire to break out of it. However, there are some benefits to the world as it is, such as the increased awareness of depression and its …show more content…
Depression cases have increased in numbers, and it is an important thing to hold a strong knowledge of. Rates of depression have risen drastically, and it needs to be addressed. A simple way to help is by spreading more knowledge about depression and other mental health issues, so that the general public will be more well-informed about the topic. Depression is serious and affects many, and as an individual one should continue to learn about
“Recent data estimate the overall prevalence of depression at about 11.1% of the American population, or nearly 35 million individuals (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2011). A predictive models suggest that up to 50% of the population will experience at least one episode of depression during their lives” (Life Extension, 2014). Depression has negatively affected the lives of many individuals throughout the world. Look around you there may even be someone close to you that is demonstrating signs of its stifling affects. Depression does not discriminate with its suffocating
Major depression is when a person is in a depressed state for most of the day, especially in the morning, and loses interest in relationships and normal activities. If these symptoms persist for more than two weeks, major depression may be the cause.
Major depression is a medical illness that is characterized by feeling of sadness, disappointment, and despair. It is a “whole body illness” that involves emotional, physical, intellectual, social, and spiritual problems. Also called major depressive disorder and clinical depression, it affects how a person feels, thinks and behaves. They may have trouble doing normal day-to-day activities, and depression may make them feel as if life isn't worth living.
Imagine if you had to watch someone you love so much go through a depressive episode. You may think you have depression, but with depression you should at least experience five symptoms. “Depression last a long time - at least two weeks. It affects emotions and everyday life” (“Major Depression ”1). With that being said, there are a lot of people who experience symptoms and see signs in other people with depression. Despite the fact that the percentage of people with depression have escalated, the amount of treatment has also changed dramatically. There are so many types of depression that any person would be able to go through.
More people suffer from depression than you might think. People of all ages, backgrounds, lifestyles, and nationalities get clinical depression. An estimated 35 to 40 million Americas living today will suffer from major depression at some time during their lives. (4) This is about 13 to 20 percent of all Americans. (1) About half of these individuals will experience recurring depression. (3) Despite being what authorities call "the nation's leading mental health problem" (6), depression is often misdiagnosed or undiagnosed, and therefore not treated. (4) Often as a result, about 25 percent of these people attempt suicide to end their
Occasionally everyone has suffered from depression, weather it was long term or short term. Feeling hopelessness, irritablity, or feeling anxious or “empty” these symptoms can greatly effect people’s daily routines. Suddenly, waking up in the morning, trying to fall asleep or simply interacting with other people becomes one of the most difficult challenges. Depression can be cause by many things such as financial issues, relationship problems, family problems or an individual just may not be happy. Although, if this person uses their social imagination it may be a little easier for them to cope with their depression. Looking at their problems in a more general perspective helps them realize they are not alone and these are daily problems
While everyone on occasion experience some feeling of sadness, it is usually short lived and will pass within a few days. Those living with depression experience pain which interferes with their daily life (Seligman, 1975). It usually affects not only the individual, but also those who care about them. “Depression is very common and also very serious illness. Without treatment, these feelings can last anywhere between a few months to several years. “CITATION People with severe depression will experience a feeling of hopelessness that can lead to a risk of suicide. (Seligman, 1975)
Depression is a very common in today’s society. This condition is a severe feeling of sadness and self-worthlessness. Depression changes how you think, feel, and also affects your social behavior and sense of physical wellness. Although it can make you have low self-esteem, depression is not feeling sad, it is the constants feeling sadness that stays with you every single day. Aside from being a serious medical illness, it is also a lifelong condition, which leads to a recurrence illness. It affects 5-8 percent of adults in the United States, which means about 25 million Americans will have an episode of major depression within this year alone (Wayne, 2013, p.62). If not treated it can affect the way you feel, act, and think. It can also cause you to treat friends and family differently. Depression almost affects nearly everyone through losing a family member or personal experiences. As well depression has often lead to suicide in mean untreated cases. Depression
This shows how depression is such a misunderstood topic worldwide, that even trained doctors are wrongly diagnosing patients. Depression and other mental illnesses can start developing in adolescence and peak in adults around the age of 25 (Friedman). Untreated depression or any other form of mental illness can also lead to relapses, and an increased severity of their symptoms. Depression took a downward plunge in the 90’s causing antidepressants such as Prozac to thrive on the market. Between 8% - 10% of Americans take an antidepressant, yet this is hardly a cure. The problem with antidepressants is that once an individual stops taking the drug, their pain and suffering may increase as they experience symptoms of withdrawal. Additional research is needed from scientists, and America as a whole needs to be better educated about mental illness and depression, so that families and friends can be better prepared to help their loved ones cope with these illnesses. Antidepressants need to not be relied on as much, better yet only used as a last resort to helping individuals. A more reasonable approach is going to a therapist first and being taught how to cope and deal with the symptoms of depression individually, while also getting support from family and friends.
Depression is an illness of people feel somewhat stuck in their situations. For reason, others may have a major depression includes the stages of depression, negative thought patterns, loss of appetite, and thoughts of suicide/behavioral. Most people feel that way of hurting their self, symptoms. They cause the change of feelings, loss of interest, anxiety, irritability and so on. Some people may feel like they stuck in the black hole, and struggle for a long time. Their thinking about “ how am I going to get out of this black hole and relief all this misery.” Once you realize you can’t do it yourself, you need to get somebody for help. The treatments that have somewhat cured itself has a therapist or psychologist has for those people who can imbalance their brain to talk about what they’re feeling off and probably giving you a
Depression is a common mental illness that can affect anyone, regardless their lifestyle, income, or social circle. Many may think depression is “all in your head,” but it is not: “It's often said
Imagine waking up every day and constantly wanting everything to end. Wishing the bullying will end, wishing the haunting memories of something terrible that happened in the past ended… sometimes even wanting to end life. These thoughts and feelings are what a lot of people who suffer from depression have. Everyday so many people are affected by this terrible disorder. Not only the victim themselves, but family members and friends can also be affected if someone they love or know has depression. In this research paper, it will explain and discover shocking facts and statistics, and possible solutions about one of the most problematic medical issues in the world: depression. Many people across the nation who have depression don’t have access
This illness called depression affects many people’s lives, does it not? This is here to analyze and explore how depression is one of many serious factors in society, why it’s important to know about, how it affects people, and what ways there are to help them.
Statistics state that 350 million worldwide who suffer from depression, and 16 million just in the United States according to the healthline reviewed by George T. Krucik. Out of these 350 million half of them go untreated. Many either don’t know they have depression, or
People who suffer from depression are constantly challenged every day from emotionally, physically challenges that affect their overall health. In the present day, depression is a common mental illness that many people have to encounter. People who experience depression in their lifetime trigger other health problems. Some health concerns are both psychological and physiological. Often times, depressed people are at the risk of hurting themselves and this could lead to suicide. Since their safety is at risk, it’s essential to figure ways on how to promote their recovery. Although depression can not be easily treated, there are several ways to help guide them through this illness. For instance, there are many helpful sources that bring awareness to health issues and promote people’s wellbeing.