
American Dreams : The American Dream

Decent Essays

American Dream? American Dream: Noun, the ideals of freedom, equality, and opportunity traditionally held to be available to every American. That is the definition of the American dream according to, but the American Dream is more than a definition, but a way of life for many. Millions of immigrants come to our country in search of this “American Dream” including my grandparents but more and more are disappointed. So does the American Dream exist? Has it ever existed or has it all been an illusion? When my grandparents came in the 70’s they came in search of the American dream. My grandfather had been working for a few years in the states, so one day my grandmother and my father, who was a baby at the time, came and settled in City Terrace. They worked their butts off at multiple jobs and sometimes jobs that were dangerous. My grandfather has the scars on his arms from the acid used in a factory, he worked at, his slipped disks in his spine from his fall at a shipyard. My grandmother has the pain and scars on her knees from her work in a fish packing warehouse and the resulting knee surgeries with the most recent being last year. My grandparents, despite their pain were able to achieve this American dream, raised three sons and now live in a house they own in Alhambra. Of course there are going to be struggles and setbacks in anyone’s quest for the American Dream and my grandparents were no exception. My uncle was killed in front of the house and that is

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