
American Education System Chapter 3 Summary

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The educational system in America has always been a controversial topic of conversation. Whether it be about the different techniques implemented in the classroom or the role and effect the teacher has on the students. Most importantly the struggle we stress on the proper and more efficient way to teach our children. We have set goals for ourselves that would be impossible to reach and Ravich explains in great detail about how the American education system does just this. In Chapter 3 of The Death and Life of the Great American School System, Ravitch focuses on District 2 and their implementation of the concept of balanced literacy and constructivist mathematics. In chapter 5, of The Death and Life of the Great American School System, she focuses on how the public school system is run like a business and Bloomberg’s reform program called “Children First”. She discusses how programs that are implemented in the public school system are …show more content…

In these two chapters, Ravitch emphasizes the point that American schools need to ensure that their students get the education that they all equally deserve.

Ravitch begins the chapter 3 by explaining how President George H. W. Bush met in January of 1989 to set goals for 2000. The goals were that American students would be first in the world in subjects such as mathematics and science, at least 90 percent of students would graduate from high school, all children would master “challenging subjects”, all adults would be literate, and every school would be free of drugs, alcohol, and violence. None of these goals were attained by the year of 2000. Ravitch stated that they wanted to make schools more challenging and “pledged that all children in America would be ready to learn.”

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