
American History Chapter 10 Analysis

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In the secondary text Reading the American Past, chapter ten contains five different documents written in the early 1800s. This chapter is title “Republicans in Power” as it covers topics from Thomas Jefferson’s policies for Indians to exerts from a man that served in the War of 1812. Chapter 10 contains documents from Lewis and Clarks journals from their expedition in 1805. Additionally, it holds papers discussing the subject of abolishing slavery in the United States written by a slave. The next document is one that talks against Pennsylvanian law and threats to enslave free African Americans. These documents are each equally interesting in their own way.
The first section of the chapter contains a letter and an address about President Thomas …show more content…

The document is James Hamilton’s confession of all his wrongs that he did during his time in the war. In this book, the excerpt begins with a recount of his early childhood. He recalls how he was continuously getting into fights and being punished for causing trouble. James goes on to talk about his wife, children, unfaithfulness, and finally he writes about his time in the army. He follows his friend, M’Clellan, in travelling the country after M’Clellan runs away from the navy. One day he witnesses a sergeant hitting a solider with a rattan “for speaking on parade”. James tells the sergeant that “if he were to strike me in that way I would give him a flogging”. Because James said this, he was put into the guard-house in chains. Here, a lieutenant tells James that he was “bound by my oath to obey my superior officers and that the sergeant was one”. His response to such a statement was “I never swore to be whipped by my officers, and if they should do it I would desert”. This confession of James Hamilton is very intriguing. It shows how rebellious he was since a young age, and he seems to have never grown out of it. In some ways, James appears admirable as he stood up against being punished in a violate way when there could be better options for a penalty. However, he has plenty of flaws, such as how is disloyal to his wife and to the army. James Hamilton gives the impression of being quite a handful. This goes to show that no matter how bad a person may seem, they still have their own redeemable qualities that show up every now and

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