
American Idiot: Song Analysis

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Ariel McCullough, Art Education 1600, Autumn 2015, Dr. Smith
The Generation of Cynics Green Day is a band that a defined multiple generations. While they are not notorious for their political statements, but more of their wild behaviors, along the way they have made a few songs with some obvious statements about society. One song in particular is very clearly political. This song is called “American Idiot”. Green Day has influenced generations to become cynical and questioning, while being catchy and penetrating popular culture. “American Idiot” by Green Day was a title song from their album American Idiot. It was released in September 4, 2004. Green Day is considered a pop punk, alternative rock or punk rock band. Green Day, along with Blink 182 and a few others, were among the first pop punk bands to popularize the genre in popular culture. Green Day is still one of the only pop punk bands to be played on the radio on the same station as …show more content…

The first time I really got into Green Day was when I was around twelve years old and in middle school. This is a highly impressionable time in anyone’s life. Pop punk bands tend to be very cynical and critical of society and this has definitely influenced my worldview throughout my life. My mother is a huge fan of Green Day so before I actually sought out their music, I was exposed to it earlier in life. The lyrics of “American Idiot” has a very clear statement. One lyric that always stands out very clearly to me is “I'm not a part of a redneck agenda. Now everybody do the propaganda. And sing along to the age of paranoia.” This song is about not conforming to society or listening to what the government tells you. They mention propaganda which has a very negative connotation in any situation, but especially in this time, which I will mention in a later paragraph. Another lyric is “one nation controlled by the media. Information age of

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