
American Pageant Chapter 12 Summary

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ii. Japanese. The yellow peril that the Japanese presented was on two fronts: militarily and economically. Since Commodore Perry opened the borders of Japan with the help of his fleet, Japan had rapidly modernized. Japan was rapidly industrializing, all the while pushing poor farmers to the United States. In the 50 years since Japan ended isolationism, their military had become so efficient that they were capable of soundly defeating a European power (Russia). This victory lead Japan to desire to be treated as an equal to all other world powers. What eventually came out of this demand was the Gentleman’s Agreement of 1907, which stated that Japan will not allow new immigrants to come to America, but America will allow families …show more content…

Filipino. The thread the Filipinos posed to the United States was that the men were a threat to white women. Since many Filipino men came over for work, they did not bring their women with them, it was basically a bachelor society. The men would dress up in nice suits and go dancing at taxi halls, where they could pay to dance with white women. Now, the men dancing with white women sparked outrage among white men, especially since the women seemed to enjoy the company of the Filipino men. This lead to anti-miscegenation laws targeting the Filipinos. Eventually, the Tydings-Mcduffie Act would free the Philippines as sovereign nation, and thus make the Filipinos in America aliens (So, ).
i. Fu Manchu (Evil). This Asian stereotype is always at odds with the white man, and is always after the white woman (Kaku, 119). He has long nails, evil eyes, and a long moustache (Kaku, 119). Nicholas Cage in Grindhouse played the most recent rendition of Fu Manchu. It’s basically a preview for a movie within a movie, where a white man is dressed up as Fu Manchu and is laughing maniacally. ii. Kemosabi (Good). This stereotype consists of the well-meaning, but perhaps a little slow Asian sidekick. I would say that Thao from Gran Turino fits this stereotype. He is a well-meaning kid, but he just can’t seem to fit in or understand the complexities of America. So, he is eventually taken under the wing by an older white man that offers to teach him things

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