Dhwani Patel
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Being the president who set out to escape the norms in achieving my goals for the American public and securing the national interests, I have persevered and illustrated periods of triumphs and have endured times of oppositions. Nonetheless, there have been improvements and disagreements throughout my time in the office. Over the course of these previous eight years, America has observed persistence in job increases, greater transparency, formidable economic growth, and an increase in jobs in the auto industry (Jackson). In a matter of time, I will be stepping out of the office and handing over my position to president-elect Donald TrumpI hope to have made a difference in the lives of the American public during my time in the office.
The greatest achievement that I have been able to accomplish in terms of securing the material national interest of the United States has been the agreement of the Trans-Pacific Partnership. This trade agreement amongst twelve member states (United States, Canada, Chile, Peru, Zealand, Australia, Brunei, Singapore, Vietnam, Malaysia, and Japan) was adopted to strengthen the economic ties for a more interconnected global economy. For the average working American it shows great promise to increase their income and for the nation as a whole. It also possesses the potential to allow for the growth of the nation’s GDP and annual exports, thereby increasing the living standard.
The core intend of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is to endorse economic adaptation in the Asian Pacific province. The affiliates of the
Since 2010, government and corporate representatives have been meeting, frequently in extreme secrecy, to outline their plans for the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a substantial expansion and revision of the original 2005 Trans-Pacific Strategic Economic Partnership Agreement between Brunei, Chile, New Zealand, and Singapore (Hsieh 368). The new agreement would include at least five other countries (Canada, Malaysia, Mexico, Peru, the United States, and Vietnam), with the potential for Japan and South Korea to join as well (Office of the United States Trade Representative). The Trans-Pacific Partnership represents the single most important development in the area of economic globalization since the passage of the North American Free Trade Agreement in 1994. However, the extreme secrecy with which the agreement is being negotiated has led many to believe that its contents would likely prove unpopular with the general public. Exploring the limited information available via public announcements and leaked documents reveals that current plans for the partnership go well beyond regulating trade relations between nations to include things like onerous copyright and intellectual property restrictions, limitations on national and state-level product safety regulation, environmental standards, and labor organization. In light of these serious problems, it appears that a better way to encourage development and distribute the benefits of free trade across the world would be to open up
In 1787 at the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia, the framers of the Constitution of the United States of America worked together to identify the best way to elect the President (Patterson, 2013). The ideas suggested varied and ranged from selection by members of congress chosen by lottery, to a popular vote of the people. By the end of the Convention the matter had yet to be settled as the framers fore saw that many of the suggestions were prone to corruption, error, and were very chaotic. The issue was passed down to the Committee on Postponed Matters, who in turn created the system that is used today and is commonly known as Electoral College (Kazin, 2011). The Electoral College was outlined by the Committee to up hold the views of the founding fathers, who were the framers of the Constitution.
b) The original form of government consisted of a one-house Congress, in which each state had one vote despite various populations. There was no president or judicial branch to balance out the power.
In the Chapter 1 discussion of our Intro to American National Government course, the class had a discussion about an article from Professor Sanford Levinson titled “It Is Time to Repair the Constitution’s Flaws.” Levinson proposed in his article several objections he had to the current Constitution, why he felt the way he did about these objections, and called for others to join him in requesting that the country holds a new constitutional convention to fix some of the problems he brings up.
In general, the United States of America ranks second after India regarding the electorate size whereby, Indonesia comes third in the whole world. Moreover, the U.S. is the most powerful country in the world regarding its economy, political and military operations (Elkin, 1987). Additionally, the political system of U.S is in various ways important which make it different from other nations in the whole universe. Therefore, an exploration of the functioning of the American political system by looking at the characteristics of the American national government is crucial since it’s a nation that not only is it perceived powerful but also one that ought to act as an example to other developing countries. In precision, the evaluation includes America’s federalism, constitution, political parties, and branches of government, elections and the different interest groups (Elkin, 1987). Therefore, for the fact that America is an exemplary nation for many, an understanding of its system is crucial since developing nations look up to such nations.
I cannot pretend to know what the hell is going on in all the World. I must rely on pieces of information supplied to me from sources I have never met, nor have I any way of confirming the truthfulness of that information, just like most of us in today’s reality.
The role of the United States now should be less involved with other countries because the United State gets involved with other places too quickly even if it is right or wrong. Our country also takes land that will benefit us more than others all for the wrong reasons. Also we are going head on head with other countries for power and while fighting for power other groups are evolving from conflicts.
The United States Constitution was heavily influenced by the Iroquois Confederacy’s political theory, though Eurocentric history lessons often teach about the French and Greek influence. In 1988, the House Concurrent Resolution 331 passed which recognized the Iroquois Confederacy’s contribution to the U.S. Constitution. Even after H.Con.Res 331 was passed, the Iroquois Confederacy’s influence continues to be disregarded, most people have to wait until specific classes in higher education to learn about the connection. With the whitewashing of history, many Native American influences have been overlooked that directly correlate to the creation of the U.S. Constitution, though the ‘Founding Fathers’ did revise the Iroquois’ political theory to better match the ‘freedom’ of the U.S.
American democracy is a key factor when looking into rights. Most rights are given to people in the United States Constitution. While some are just rights every American should have without being defined by law. Rights come in many shapes and sizes and are sectioned into groups like civil rights, economic rights, and natural rights. Rights are moral and social standards that people follow to ensure that everyone gets equal happiness and freedoms. Meaning that there are things that every person is entitled to, for example being able to talk about what they want, when they want (within certain principles), or follow the religion of their choice, whatever they may chose. Rights can conflict in many different ways, like when someone wants to protest
I’m writing in response to Presidents address, specifically in the areas where he discusses the safety measures that will be taken by the United States to protect our country. I can generally concur with a fraction of what he intends to do. For example, hunting down terrorist plotters wherever they may be. This is a incredibly vital step in ensuring the safety of innocent American citizens. There are terrorists all over the world that must be stopped. These radicalized people have a twisted perception of faiths and captivating the lives of countless innocent citizens. If we do not stop these sick people in time, who knows how many more lives will be taken. This isn’t only protecting America; it is also defending the lives of many innocent humans on earth. America is not the only target for terrorist. We are just one of numerous countries that endure from the pain these people cause.
The type of government the United States has in the year 2016 can be characterized as a representative democracy. A representative democracy, also known as an indirect democracy, is a type of democracy founded on the principle of elected officials representing the people. This type of government is structured upon citizens electing representatives to serve on their behalf. There are many people who simply do not have the time to educate themselves about every particular issue involved in government; therefore, the people do not govern directly. In a representative democracy, the people elect representatives to act on their behalf and to represent them in governing the political society; therefore, power originates with the people. In order for a representative democracy to work effectively, there must be open communication between the representatives and the citizens. The elected officials need to represent the citizens in the best interest of the majority of the people. Overall, the goal of a representative democracy is to protect the rights and interests of the citizens by giving the citizens a voice within the government.
The constitution serves six purposes, by which the people will attempt to: create a union, establish and maintain justice, maintain tranquility between our neighbors, provide for a common defense, promote the general welfare of the people and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity (Vile. 2015). The written constitution clearly limits the power of the government. Prohibiting the government from becoming dictators.
The First Amendment is arguably one of the most important amendments ever added to the Constitution of the United States. It is designed to protect four basic freedoms: the freedom of speech, freedom of religion, the right to assembly and freedom of the press. When this amendment was drafted by the founding fathers, it was done in response to some of the events that had precipitated the American Revolution. Over time, the interpretation of these freedoms has changed as seen by various actions in government, but especially in rulings from the Supreme Court. The First Amendment has had a special importance from its beginnings to today.
The government in the United States supposedly revolves around American ideals such as equality and diversity; however, this is simply not the case as perpetuated by class inequalities. The meaning of democracy has been skewed in the United States to represent something entirely different than it did in 1776. Today, American democracy behaves more like an aristocracy, where the upper class exercises power within the government and state, influencing discourse and therefore the laws and resources in our country, which are purportedly “for the people”. Democracy is presumed to provide everyone with equal political power, but the government in today’s America, although seemingly following this ideal model, does not. Instead, the elite upper class has a monopoly over the political influence and are the sole benefactors from public policies due to their influence over the policy making process. The upper class has an overall benefit from class inequality, as it greatly impacts American ‘democracy’ through the significant power gained through money and status, leadership roles that impact government, and the influence in the policymaking process that creates upper class advantages.