One of the biggest diversity problems on Earth is the racial question. For centuries people have fought over if one race is better than the others. The mindset on this is changing but changing slower than it should. Racial diversity shouldn’t be an issue that we still deal with. In fact, in the 1950’s UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization) found that race is not biologically correct and is a myth. This was found from findings from an international panel of various scientific groups. There has been plenty of evidence that also supports this conclusion. There has been so much evidence to support this in fact, that the scientific idea that race doesn’t exist is as true as the Earth is round. Many people
America is always going to face diversity. No matter how hard we try to get rid of discrimination and prejudice, it will probably never be fully gone. One thing that needs to be done is for us to teach our children how not to be prejudice. By doing this we can start to break the cycle that’s been going on for many years. Teaching our children today how to get over diversity will help them in
Race is not an element of human biology (like breathing oxygen or reproducing sexually); nor is it even an idea (like the speed of light or the value of π) that can be plausibly imagined to live an external life of its own. Race is not an idea but an ideology. It came into existence at a discernable historical moment for rationality understandable historical reasons and is subject to change for similar reasons (101).
The 20th century was a period of profound changes in the United States. It was marked by significant demographic shifts, cultural transformations, and social movements that shaped the country into a diverse mosaic. From the influx of immigrants to the civil rights struggles, diversity was a defining characteristic of American society during this time. This essay examines how diversity manifested itself in various forms throughout the 20th century and its impact on the nation. At the beginning of the century, the United States was already a melting pot of cultures and ethnicities.
The idea of race is real, but it is not biologically reality. Race is based on cultural perspectives that we as human beings use to identify persons around the world. “Science would favor Du Bois. Today, the mainstream belief among scientists is that race is a social construct without biological meaning” (Gannon) Meaning that there is nothing biologically real about race. And that it is strictly culturally developed.
Unlike the Spanish Empire, America characterizes individuals commonly as black or white when that is not the case. An accurate description is required to distinguish the various ranges of racial mixtures. Since America only generalizes between the Europeans and the Africans, the blending of the minority are disregarded.
Is Race Biologically Real? People often use the meaning of “race” like a sticker; race is defined by skin color, eyes and body shape, hair texture and facial features. However, there are no genetic markers which will prove that one race is different than another. The concept of race isn’t biologically real but “race” it’s a method to divide a group from another one. Race doesn’t have any genetic basis. There is no genetic characteristic such as; gene or feature to tell the differences between humans. In other words, the race isn’t biologically real because there is no scientific evidence which can prove that race is biologically real because there is no ‘genetic markers’ evidence-which cannot be denoted that one particular group is different than other.
The principles of genetics and evolution show that race, biologically does not exist. The differences that appear in humans does not come from an allele that marks for a specific race. Usually most of the variations we see in humans comes from mutations that occur. The change in DNA is a major factor of variation in humans, it is something random which means certain attributes aren’t associated with a specific race. Another important thing to note is that all humans share the basic structure of DNA. This reinforces the idea that race is a social construct, not a reality of nature. Another main source of variation comes from gene flow (the movement of alleles to and from a certain location). Populations have always been moving from one place to another, and through this a trait can become more unique or more common. So there is less to do about
This article was about the gaps in diversity, and how they are starting to narrow. The United States are becoming a multicultural state where non-Hispanic white Americans are going to become the minority-majority in both younger and older age. The state is closing the gaps on ethnicity for instance: blacks make up 8.5% of the population of Americans, while 6.8% are Hispanic, 3.3% are Asian, along with AIAN, NHPI, and mixed-race Americans make up less than 1% of Americans that are sixty-five and older. As for the younger population that is under sixty-five, less than two-thirds are non-Hispanic white, and 0ne-third is the minority. The cause of the ethnicity gaps getting closer in the U.S. is because of immigration. Immigration is driven
Despite the fact that races are not real, humans still erroneously insist on dividing themselves into different categories when in fact there should only be one. However, through scientific discoveries, race can be effectively be disproven once and for all.
Race is one of many key factors that influence the historic relationship between classes, ethnicity, immigrants, bodies, and the state, specifically when it comes to notions of citizenship. The articles, Perils of Degeneration, Hygiene and "The Indian Problem", Nationalizing Children through Schools and Hygiene, Puffy, Ugly, Slothful and Inert’, and The Vice Trust, all point to the function of popular perceptions of race in society, specifically how individuals are classified based on certain racial markers. All of these articles surround the theme in which notions of race influenced political and social responses in both the United States and Latin America.
KC is a public charter school located in Kennesaw, GA that employees approximately 62 full time teachers for 870 students. The grade levels range from K-4, which gives the school, a significantly lower than national average, teacher-student ratio of 14:1. The school has a good balance in male versus female attendance with male attendance at 49% and females at 51%.
Race also known as ethnicities is a big topic, not just in the United States, but all over the World with all kinds of humans being that was once created by Adam and Eve. There is multiple race living in the United States that are known as Asian, African American, Hispanics, and others. My personal opinion on Asians are known with small eyes, straight hair, and ninety percent of the population are skinny. Another African Americans are known as tall, fit, and with different style hair, but mostly with puffy hair. Hispanics which is my race is a mix of everything because some of the population are either short or tall. Their body and hair are all kinds of different style especially in the U.S because they follow the trends in the community. When
I agree with many of your statements, that you expressed throughout your paper. It’s crazy to think that as Americans, we don’t care about diversity. But, I also can see why individuals prefer to be around others that are similar to themselves. As, Americans if we are surrounded by others similar to ourselves, we are able to express our emotions to one another. Living in the 21st century, Americans should not be afraid to become more diverse. For instance, an African American family should not be afraid to move into a neighborhood with the majority being a Caucasian population. But, as time goes on I hope as a country we can all evolve and accept the fact that everyone is different.
Diversity is now, more than ever before, at the forefront of the American conversation. Black people have been slowly but surely making gains in today’s society and in ways that were not possible before. African Americans are more educated and more affluent, and more important as consumers than ever before. By 2017, they are expected to have a spending power of 1.3 trillion dollars (Resilient, 2013). Young, influential, and brand loyal, this group should be the target of many companies. Interestingly enough, there has not been much of an effort on the part of marketers to appeal to this growing group. Additionally, the lack of diversity as well as the alienation of black people in the media is not doing much to allow a wider range of companies to reach them. Black Americans are a powerful group, and smart marketers will put a focus on investing in them to increase their market share.
States should try to copy what this within has been doing for the past 200 years. Having mixed races is good for the country because Ohio can teach other states to stop being prejudice to mixed people. This town can change history because in America, racism levels have not gone down since the 1990’s they have actually gone a quite a bit. Even when Abraham Lincoln removed enslaving people did not like to make mixed races in their family, but the Keiser’s and that is what makes their family amazing. If this town can have an effect on the country, there will be no need for there to be any kind of act of racism because all the races can mix and then no one can say anything hurtful or racist to the other. It is amazing that this town was able to